Players furious after game-breaking PUBG update on Xbox One and PS4

Paul Cotton

The problems PUBG has had on Xbox and PS4 have been well documented, but it appears that the latest update has brought past problems back to the console versions of PUBG.

Update: Bluehole have provided a hot fix but it doesn’t address the bulk of the issues…

Hotfix live now

The PUBG Support Twitter channel has confirmed a hotfix has been deployed to address the following issues:

  • Fixed a bug where players could duplicate grenades
  • Fixed a bug where players were passing through buildings while auto-running
  • Fixed a bug where controllers could become unresponsive in the lobby

However, this has left PUBG players somewhat perplexed as the below, fundamental game issues are still prevalent. It looks like rolling-back the latest update to remove them is a more difficult task than it seems.

PUBG Support stated: “We’re also currently investigating other critical issues and will provide an update on these in the near future.”

PUBG update breaks game

The latest PUBG update for Xbox and PS4 has put the game in a significantly worse state. The update is so bad it appears to have worsened multiple aspects of the game, players say.

Crashes, bugs and poor performance have been part and parcel of the PUBG experience on console, especially in the early stages. The issues took so long to fix that PUBG players went from infuriated to finding it funny how bad the support was.

Xbox Update #6 and PS4 Update #3 are the PUBG patches in question…

Region issues

An issue regarding players being put in the wrong region was supposed to be fixed in this update. The issue is still prevalent whereby players from Europe are being put in North American lobbies.

This causes increased lag which makes gun battles a poor experience for both players involved. Furthermore, it is completely unnecessary as the EU servers are currently populated enough to fill lobbies regularly.

Controller configuration reset

This is perhaps the most frustrating issue from the latest update, although there is a quick fix. For some reason, presumably due to an oversight in testing, all player’s controller configuration has been reset to default.

This means all players are using the ‘Type A’ configuration which changes ADS to tap L2, as opposed to hold it like traditional FPS games. The issue has caused a lot of players a lot of frustration as some believed the game was just malfunctioning.

To clarify, all players will need to change the controller configuration to “Type B” if you use Call of Duty style controls.

PUBGMost players use the “Type B” PUBG controller configuration…


Frequent crashes haven’t been seen in PUBG since the early days of PUBG releasing on the Xbox. However, players are reporting they are crashing to the main console menu on a more regular basis.

This is occurring on multiple maps and for multiple players as forum posts report. Moreover, some players are experiencing up to three crashes in a two hour period.

Obviously a game consistently crashing makes it completely unplayable, to the dismay of the hardcore PUBG players.

Frame drops

Elsewhere, players are reporting significant frame drops. These drops primarily occur soon after landing with some saying the game freezes for up to three seconds.

One Reddit user, bertusch, stated: “One X, FPS drop when the player model is altered (i.e. equipping helmets, vests, unequipping parachute, etc. on first time). All maps.”

PUBG fans laughing at this point

PUBG Xbox and PS4 players are used to relatively poor performance at this point. Xbox players will have experienced even darker times when the game was quite literally in an unplayable state. This was long before the PS4 release, however.

Reactions to the latest update vary, but they aren’t unanimously angry as you might expect.

Others are more annoyed by the testing process, which based on the result of the latest update, is more than a fair gripe.


One player is lamenting the fact they bought an Xbox One X especially for PUBG…


Elsewhere, “Brian G” has summed up PUBG console player’s thoughts succinctly…

There’s been no official response regarding this update from Bluehole as of yet. Despite the poor performance of PUBG, their communication discussing issues is usually pretty good. We expect to hear something soon and a hot fix will likely follow.