Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants – Should you buy the D&D book?

Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants is the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook, bringing players and DMs a deep dive into all things Giant and Giantkind. If you’re wondering whether you should buy it for your collection or game, here’s what we thought.
2023 has been a whirlwind for Wizards of the Coast and Dungeons & Dragons. But, despite being more than halfway through the year, five exciting new books are on the horizon, bringing a new campaign, adventure, sourcebook and so much more.
One such upcoming sourcebook is Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants which grants fans an in-depth look into the world of the tall, featuring new feats, monsters, lore, subclasses, and so much more. So, is the book worth buying? Well, here’s what we think.
Cementing Giants into the world of D&D

Dungeons & Dragons has moved on dramatically from its original subject matter. Sure, few experiences match getting together with friends and taking down a deadly dragon, but now, there are new enemies or friends in town.
Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants seems to represent that new era of the popular TTRPG, bringing fans a detailed account of an often undiscovered realm and introducing a goldmine of new features along with it.
The new elements and features are truly where this sourcebook shines. One of the primary features present are the additions to character creation, including a thrilling subclass for the Barbarian, plenty of Giant-themed backgrounds, and eight powerful feats to help players looking to create a larger-than-life experience within their character, or granting them the power of these fantastical creatures.
On top of this, Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants features over 60 brand new beasts to take on or design, each proving more ferocious and exciting than the last. Then there are the helpful adventure aids to create your own one-shot or encounter, Giant Enclaves to set the scene of battle or conversation, and Giant Treasures to give players everything they might need to navigate the exciting realm.
Perfect for players and DMs alike
One of the best elements of Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants is its transferability. Whether you’re a player or a DM looking to run a new Giant-themed campaign, or even stick Giants into your adventure, this book is ideal.
It comes with imperative character-building and feats for players and a treasure trove of content for a DM. That being said, however, when taking into consideration the pure amount of lore, art, and details laced within this book, it doesn’t really matter who you are around the D&D table, this book is worth a read. Especially if you want to dive into the rich history behind these majestic creatures. Who knows, you may even be inspired to create your own adventure based around Giants.
Ultimately, with rich lore scattered throughout the beautiful artwork and the features from character creation to adventure hooks, it becomes clear this book is perfect for both DMs and players alike.
The Alt cover

Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants comes in two different versions, the traditional cover, featuring Bigby stealing a Giant Goose’s golden egg, and the alternative cover, depicting Bigby playing a giant version of chess.
It’s worth noting that the inside is exactly the same for both, so you won’t get any difference if you purchase the traditional cover or the alternative design.
That being said, sure, the Alt book is no different really when compared, but the artwork on the Alt cover is just outstanding. If you’re looking to use this as both a display piece and a useful sourcebook, then the Alt cover is the purchase you need to make. In fact, even if you weren’t looking to make this a display piece, then you will likely make space once you purchase it, it’s exactly what I did.
The Alt cover has a beautiful matt design, making certain elements look almost 3d in the right light. Ultimately, we recommend purchasing the Alt cover of Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants, purely for that beautiful design and premium quality – and that’s without even mentioning the back of it.
Should you buy Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants?
So, should you buy Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants? Ultimately, yes. This book is stunning on the inside and out, is packed with exciting new tools to upgrade your D&D campaign, and works perfectly for all those sitting around the physical or virtual table.
Whether you’re looking for a way to step up your D&D game or if you’re a DM thinking about introducing your players to a world run by Giants instead of Dragons, then this is the book for you. If anything, it’s worth grabbing for the artwork alone.
The physical copy of Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants releases on August 15, 2023.
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