Modern Warfare 3 players demand more Riot Shield counters despite lethal new weapon

Connor Bennett
riot shield cod warzone

Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone players are still desperate for yet another counter to Riot Shields despite Season 2 Reloaded bringing about one of the biggest counters in some time. 

When Riot Shields were first added to Call of Duty in the original Modern Warfare 2, they provided some fun for players. They gave you some protection and a way to bash players away, but they weren’t incredibly overpowered. 

Over the last few years, however, that has certainly changed. The Riot Shields have created big issues in Warzone, for example, leading to players getting furious about campers and slow-playing players using them to their advantage. 

As a result, they’ve constantly been on the lookout for counters. One came in Season 2 Reloaded, as the Soulrender sword now slices through the Riot Shield. However, that requires getting up close and personal with a Riot Shield. 

MW3 players want long-range counter for Riot Shields

So, players are urging the devs to make a change for those who’d rather keep a bit of distance between themselves and a Riot Shield, as they want Armor Piercing Rounds to receive a buff. 

“Make these penetrate the Riot Shield, problem solved,” one player suggested. “I would be happy for anything to penetrate that rat shield,” another added. 

“They barely penetrate the cover they advertise, I mean at least give them an actual purpose,” another player said, wanting the Armor Piercing Rounds to just have some use. “I always thought it was dumb that AP rounds could go through container walls in Shipment, but not the shield,” another chimed in

While the devs haven’t been all that quick to add counters for the Riot Shield, they have shown a willingness to make changes – especially in the face of complaints. 

It remains to be seen if they’ll take heed of this suggestion from players, it is something that would be certainly interesting.