Apex Legends’ Crypto & Wraith look amazing as Animal Crossing creations

A pair of creative Apex Legends fans have done a fantastic job of bringing their favorite characters, Wraith and Crypto, to Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
New Horizons is the latest game in the Animal Crossing series and, similar to past games, it allows players to customize clothing and share their designs with others.
Animal Crossing players have been sharing their custom outfits and designs practically since the game came out, and Reddit user ventusnightshade has some of the best Apex Legends designs we’ve seen yet.

Nightshade’s take on Crypto manages to recreate his hair and captures the character perfectly with a relaxed, confident facial expression.
With the Custom Design Pro Editor, they were able to make Crypto’s green and white trenchcoat as well – and of course the tech-savvy legend is on his phone in every photo.
Wraith’s hair is also on point and Nightshade’s partner in crime pulled off an impressive recreation of the legend’s costume.
The Interdimensional Skirmisher seems to be enjoying New Horizons along with everyone else because she’s cracking the rare smile, but the best detail of Animal Crossing Wraith has to be her ‘void’ eyes.

Unfortunately, Nightshade said they hadn’t unlocked the Able Sisters, so they aren’t able to share the codes for the Crypto and Wraith designs with other players yet.
Designs can be uploaded at the Custom Designs Kiosk at the Sisters’ shop, which you unlock with 5000 Bells after building Nook’s Cranny and interacting with Mabel when she visits your island.
After you upload a design, you get a string of letters and numbers. If you take one of these codes from another player to the Kiosk, you can upload and use them in your game.

While Nightshade said they hadn’t unlocked the sisters yet, they said they would do their best to share it with anyone who wanted to use it.
Now that we’ve seen Crypto and Wraith, we’ll be patiently waiting for the other stars of Apex Legends to show up as well to join them.