Apex Legends bug with Caustic keeps vault doors permanently locked

Connor Bennett

An Apex Legends player has uncovered a way to keep the doors on World’s Edge new loot vaults permanently locked, with the help of a simple Caustic trick. 

After weeks of waiting, Apex Legends season three launched on October 1 and transported players to a brand new map – World’s Edge. No longer able to play on Kings Canyon, players have had to get to grips with their new surroundings, which has added some new features when it comes to looting. 

One such feature has been the train that circles parts of the map and has loot bins on-board – including a few secrets ones. There is also the vault rooms that require a hard to find key to unlock, but offer some juicy rewards once you’re inside. But, some players have uncovered a way to keep everyone out – even if they do manage to have a key.

As of now, Caustic is the only legend able to keep loot vault doors shut.

In a post to the Apex Legends subreddit, user Jondeerus showcased a video from a recent game where they were using Caustic on World’s Edge. The Redditor, who had a vault key, instead opted to experiment with the Legend’s Nox Gas Trap.

Jondeerus looked for the perfect spot on the door to trigger the ability, so that it spawned directly behind the door instead of outside. Once they had, they laid it down and began opening the locked door. 

As they tried repeatedly to swing it open, the door didn’t budge as the Nox Gas Trap sat directly behind it – causing it to close, then open, and close over and over again. 

Despite the dastardly behavior, some fans pointed out that there must be a way to get rid of the trap in order to get inside.

“If a trap can go through you can probably throw a nade in as well. Just pop the trap before opening the door,” added user Jocthearies.

Considering the trouble that goes into getting the door open in the first place, it’s probably unlikely that the Respawn dev team intended for it to be possible to keep them locked. 

While they are active on the subreddit, they haven’t responded to the post yet, so it remains to be seen if they have a reason for it happening or a way to fix it if it’s a bug.