Pokemon Go: Spotlight Hour confirmed, what about Mystery Bonus Hour?

Paul Cot

Niantic have announced two special Pokemon Go events for February – the Spotlight Hour and Mystery Bonus Hour. We now know that the Spotlight Hour is focused around Onix.

The iconic Kanto ‘mon was confirmed to be the surprise Pokemon for the first Spotlight Hour event thanks to trainers from New Zealand. The events starts on February 4, 6pm to 7pm local time – meaning some trainers have already finished it.

Onix confirmed

While there are several reports of Onix being the focus, another report has said that its spawn rate is still relatively low. There have also been no other bonuses reported, such as increased shiny rates, new moves, etc. This isn’t to say its shiny form isn’t spawning more frequently, though, there just isn’t enough data as of writing.

Onix Spotlight Hour
Onix will feature in the first ever Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour…

It could be that different species are featured in different locations across the world. With the Spotlight Hour fast approaching in Europe, we’ll have more information on that soon. The odds suggest Onix will feature across the world, however.

“The Pokemon GO team is always looking for more ways to improve the gameplay experience,” the official blog said. With trainers becoming more and more used to constant events and happenings in Pokemon Go, Niantic are having to come up with new ways to keep the mobile game fresh.

Mystery Bonus Hour

Now we know the Spotlight Hour, the Mystery Bonus Hour seems to explain itself. There has been nothing complicated about Onix appearing more for an hour – nothing more, nothing less.

This suggests the Mystery Bonus Hour will be similar, just a bonus that will be active for the hour. It will likely be between 2x Catch XP, 2x Catch Stardust or some form egg hatching discount, unless Niantic have another trick up their sleeve.

The Mystery Bonus Hour takes place on February 6, 6pm to 7pm local time, exactly two days after the Spotlight Hour. If trainers enjoy these mini-events we could seem them become a regular fixture in the Pokemon Go calendar.