Powerful Overwatch hero could be the addition the game needs

Bill Cooney

Overwatch just revealed Echo in early March, but her unique ultimate already has players wondering what kind of wild, game-changing abilities future heroes could bring.

As is usually the case with Blizzard and Overwatch characters, we have no idea who we’ll see coming to the game as Hero 33.

We do know that Echo is the last new hero until Overwatch 2, but not much more than that. So, to pass the time, Reddit user Goldhawk_1 came up with an idea for a tank with an ultimate that would definitely stand out as well.

Echo’s Duplicate allows her to copy any enemy hero and use their moves, with a greatly sped-up charge for the copied ult.

Called “Rouri the Defiler,” Goldhawk’s hero sounds like a raid boss you would encounter in World of Warcraft, and comes into the game as a much-needed tank.

Unfortunately, there’s no concept art for the hero (yet), but Goldhawk did manage to come up with a creative move set and a very interesting idea for an ultimate, nonetheless.

Before using their ultimate, Rouri is equipped with a shield and sword and is able to shield nearby teammates with 25 additional health. The base kit is pretty plain, but the ultimate gives the hero two different options that take their kit in two entirely different directions.

Blizzard Entertainment
Overwatch could always use more tank heroes.

When Rouri’s ultimate is activated, the player would have the option to choose between making them into a shield or dive tank, with a kit to match. For example, the dive option would give them a large, two-handed sword and mobile, attacking abilities that greatly increase the offensive capabilities of the hero, while sacrificing the protection you can give your team.

As you can probably guess, the shield option does basically the opposite. It sacrifices offensive power for a slightly larger shield with more health to defend the hero and their allies.

Goldhawk suggested that Rouri would stay changed in his ultimate until you switch characters but that might be a little too long so instead, it could remain that way until death, or for a set amount of time.

There may not be concept art for Rouri, but this idea from Arnold Tsang could be a great starting point.

While there may not be any artwork yet, after digging through the archives, we found a Triceratops hero concept made by Arnold Tsnag in 2018 that seems to fit the bill.

Just replace one of the shields with a sword and you practically have the hero Goldhawk came up with for their concept. Overwatch already has a hyper-intelligent hamster hero, so adding a dinosaur to the mix is obviously the next, logical step.

About The Author

Bill is a former writer at Dexerto based in Iowa, who covered esports, gaming and online entertainment for more than two years. With the US team, Bill covered Overwatch, CSGO, Influencer culture, and everything in between.