Man plays 40,000 hours of WoW with a trackpad and viewers are shocked

Brianna Reeves
wow trackpad

A TikToker shocked viewers by revealing that they’ve played about 40,000 hours of WoW with a trackpad and no mouse.

For the better part of two decades, millions of players have devoted thousands of hours to World of Warcraft. Blizzard Entertainment’s ongoing support of the ever-popular MMORPG will likely keep users invested for a long time to come, too.

Those who spend exorbitant amounts of time on WoW and other demanding PC games usually have intricate setups. Spending hours on end tackling difficult raids can prove even more stressful without the right mouse and keyboard on hand.

However, there’s at least one dedicated World of Warcraft veteran who prefers to play without a mouse.

TikToker reveals they’ve played tons of WoW with only a trackpad

TikTok user Touchpadwarrior recently revealed that he’s logged 40,368 hours in World of Warcraft, thus far. He later made a clarifying statement in a follow-up video that stunned viewers.

As his username suggests, Touchpadwarrior played every single one of those 40,000-plus hours using the touchpad on his keyboard.

“I don’t play World of Warcraft with a mouse,” the player stated while showing a closer look at his gaming setup in the following post.

Of course, viewers in the comments were baffled by the revelation that someone exclusively used a trackpad for WoW. Said one user, “That only means that once you get a mouse, you will regret all the 40,368 hours where you didn’t have one.”

“Who hurt you?” another person asked, to which Trackpadwarrior responded, “everyone.” A different TikToker joked, “Ryan Reynolds gif incoming: But Why?”

Some seem more impressed than anything else, though. For instance, one user replied saying they respect Touchpadwarrior’s efforts: “Honestly nothing but respect for you sir. Fighting a battle I cannot comprehend.”

The World of Warcraft player’s methods may be beyond comprehension, but at least they seem to get the job done. 40,000 hours in any game is no small feat.