Somebody ruined Spider-Man Secret Wars’ IMDb page with explicit content

Christopher Baggett
Spider-Man and Secret Wars collage

The IMDb page for 1994’s Spider-Man: Secret Wars DVD release has been defaced, implying the wholesome children’s cartoon has some incredibly graphic subject matter.

One of the crown jewels of Marvel‘s 1994 Spider-Man cartoon was its Secret Wars adaptation. The series is remembered today as something of a prototype for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, bringing together characters from multiple cartoons like Iron Man, Captain America, and the Fantastic Four.

The three-episode arc is a serviceable enough adaptation of the legendary comic. Taking place in the cartoon’s fifth and final season, Spider-Man recruits a team of heroes to fight for the fate of a planet, battling the likes of Doctor Doom at the behest of The Beyonder. 

The show was obviously an all-ages affair that was beloved by kids all over. That’s perhaps why Reddit users have found the explicit content mentioned on the IMDb page so surprising. 

Spider-Man: Secret Wars IMDb page defaced with explicit content

The changes were discovered by Reddit user MarioMan1213245765. On the IMDb page, multiple notes about sex, nudity, and other explicit instances have been added to the Parents’ Guide section. 

Others are merely having fun with the gaffe, with one user saying, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen the movie, so who knows.” Others are drawing comparisons to more recent, controversial comic runs and creators, such as Garth Ennis and Mark Millar. 

Despite being perceived as an official resource, IMDb relies on input from users to maintain its massive database of film information. It’s not uncommon for older or more obscure titles to be defaced by trolls. In this instance, one Reddit user points out it could be the work of users upset over trans messaging in Into the Spider-Verse. 

If you’re interested in seeing what actually happened during the Secret Wars crossover, Spider-Man: The Animated Series is available for streaming on Disney+. For more Spider-Man and comic book news, be sure to follow all our coverage