Robert Pattinson opens up about his “deep fear of humiliation” despite acting success

Kayla Harrington
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga

Robert Pattinson recently revealed that he needs to get over a “deep fear of humiliation” each time he accepts a movie role.

Pattinson is one of the most interesting actors working in Hollywood today, as his resume boasts movies that range from indie to mega blockbusters.

He got his big break thanks to the Twilight franchise, in which he starred in five movies from 2009 to 2012. In the films, Pattinson plays a lovestruck vampire who’s desperately in love with a human girl.

Though Pattinson has been nothing but successful since the Twilight Saga ended, he has recently revealed that accepting movie roles requires him to overcome a deep fear of humiliating himself.

Robert Pattinson is afraid of not being able to commit fully to a role

The actor recently chatted with comedian Jordan Firstman for Interview Magazine, where Firstman asked Pattinson if he ever worked on a project that he just wasn’t into.

He explained that he never dealt with that issue, but he has a fear of being able to commit himself 100% to a role and having the entire project flop.

“I have a deep, deep fear of humiliation,” Pattinson explained, “And also, you sort of know it’s down to you. You can say it’s a shitty script or the director’s a dick or blah, blah, blah, but at the end of the day, no one’s going to care about the reasons. You’re the one who everyone’s going to say is lame. And the vast majority of people will say you’re lame even when you tried your best.”

This wasn’t the first the actor revealed his fear of a project underperforming, as he told GQ Magazine in 2020: “I was finding was, however much I loved the [indie] movies I was doing, no one sees them.

“And so it’s kind of this frightening thing, ’cause I don’t know how viable this is for a career… I don’t know how many people there actually are in the industry who are willing to back you without any commercial viability whatsoever.”

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