James Cameron may “pass the baton” for Avatar 4 & 5

Sam Comrie

James Cameron is considering passing over Avatar 4 and 5 to a new director, as the filmmaker develops fresh projects.

Cameron has brought audiences some of the cinema’s finest films, with Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Aliens redefining the notions of a sequel. The filmmaker has been busy creating Avatar: The Way of Water, with more installments on the way.

However, Cameron may not see off the Avatar franchise to its conclusion.

An image from Avatar 2, Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar 2 is set to be one of the biggest movies of 2022.

James Cameron looking for a director to “trust” with Avatar sequels

Revealed exclusively by Empire, James Cameron thinks he might not helm the fourth and fifth Avatar films himself. The director said: “The Avatar films themselves are kind of all-consuming. I’ve got some other things I’m developing as well that are exciting.”

“I think eventually over time, I don’t know if that’s after three or after four, I’ll want to pass the baton to a director that I trust to take over.”

Cameron added the potential decision is so he can “go do some other stuff that I’m also interested in. Or maybe not. I don’t know.”

Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington in the original Avatar.
The original Avatar is still the biggest movie of all time.

As the next Avatar films enter production, Cameron is excited for audiences to experience their scale. “I got more excited as I went along. Movie four is a corker. It’s a motherf**ker. I actually hope I get to make it,” he said.

“Three is in the can so it’s coming out regardless. I really hope that we get to make four and five because it’s one big story, ultimately,” the director added.

Cameron hasn’t made a non-Avatar film since 2005, so it’d be interesting to see what project he’d tackle next.

Avatar: The Way of Water is due to hit cinemas on December 16, 2022.