Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 dev debunks fast-travel loading theory

Brianna Reeves
spider-man 2 fast-travel

A Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 developer cleared up confusion about fast-travel loading times and a “hold-to-confirm” prompt.

With reviews now available for the public’s reading pleasure and the game’s full release just around the corner, the hype for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is at an all-time high.

As such, tons of gameplay and analysis videos have hit the web in the last several days. Some videos offer deep dives into the title’s fidelity and performance capabilities. Meanwhile, others provide a glimpse at Peter Parker and Miles Morales in action.

One such clip made the rounds earlier this week, showcasing the speed at which players can fast-travel across the NYC map. Oddly enough, confusion about a certain button prompt led many to believe the game was hiding loading times.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 dev addresses fast-travel confusion

Twitter user Okami Games recently shared a gameplay video from content creator Gamer Snack. The former, specifically, drew attention to the sequel’s “insane fast-travel system.”

“The fact that you can travel to any location, even the opposite corner of the map, with ZERO loading is absolutely mind-boggling,” the user applauded.

Based on the video, fast-travel works as one would expect. Players can open the Spider-Man 2 map, select their desired location, then zip over with a button press. The confusion stems from Gamer Snack holding a button prompt for all of two seconds. Because the game text isn’t in English, many viewers concluded that the two-second wait was a loading screen in disguise.

Unsurprisingly, the conversation quickly made its way to ResetEra, where an Insomniac developer alleviated concerns. The developer said the button in question is actually a “hold-to-confirm prompt.” Instead of hiding a load, it ensures players know they have a limited period of time to cancel out their selected location destination.

Thankfully, it seems this won’t turn into another puddlegate debacle, which it appears Insomniac will avoid this time around.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 hits PS5 on Friday, October 20.