Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Brandi Glanville reveals health complications after filming

Molly Byrne

Brandi Glanville of RHUGT revealed that she suffered serious health complications due to the stress of filming and the accusations made about her.

Though Brandi Glanville is no longer part of a Housewives franchise, she’s always ready to come back as a friend to full-time castmates.

However, after years of being on pause from RHOBH, Glanville was asked to join the cast of Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip.

Though the Season has yet to be released, Glanville has shared an update on the serious health complications she’s gone through due to the stress of what happened behind the scenes.

Brandi Glanville, Vicki Gunvalson, Phaedra Parks, and Tamra Judge.
Brandi Glanville, Vicki Gunvalson, Phaedra Parks, and Tamra Judge.

Brandi Glanville says her ability to “talk and taste” have been affected by stress of accusations

What should have been Season 4 of RHUGT was scrapped by production after Glanville was accused of sexual misconduct against Caroline Manzo. Other ladies were also accused of inappropriateness with a butler.

Though the season is likely never going to see airtime, Glanville has made sure to reveal how the stress of filming and what’s been said about her afterward has caused her physical damage.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Glanville said that in August of 2023, she went into anaphylactic shock, saying, “I’ve had some health issues that have affected my ability to talk. My ability to taste food.”

Glanville continued, “My face basically would swell up, like, I would have anaphylactic shock, go into anaphylactic shock constantly.”

She then said that she had seen seven doctors and was finally diagnosed with “stress-induced angioedema” (swelling under the skin).

The incident that caused Glanville such a defect was allegedly not caught on camera. However, there is supposed audio of what went down.

After the accusations about Glanville against Manzo, Glanville sought out a legal defense. There have yet to be any arrests made or lawsuits filed.

As for the fate of RHUGT, it is unknown if Peacock will release the season.