Honkai Star Rail fans are fed up with “incredibly annoying” NPC

Jessica Filby
Honkai Star Rail Mr. Xiyan

One unfortunate Honkai Star Rail NPC has been labeled one of the most annoying in the game, with thousands of Honkai fans sharing their frustrations regarding this irritating character.

From powerful fighters, adorable NPCs, and hilarious quest givers, there are so many characters in Honaki Star Rail. Due to this, two things are likely to happen, some will fall in love with certain characters, praising their power or their voice lines and design, while others will find certain NPCs incredibly irritating.

This is, unfortunately, the case for one NPC who, upon being shared to Reddit, was slammed and labeled as “incredibly annoying” with some players skipping his voice lines every time they have to meet with him.

Honkai Star Rail fans slam “incredibly annoying” NPC

Posting onto Reddit, one Honkai Star Rail player going by the name alien_crystal shared an image of Mr. Xiyan asking other players to, “Please confirm if you also find Mr. Xiyan incredibly annoying. Because… ugh…”

Shortly after posting, the statement quickly gained traction, with hundreds taking to the comments to agree. Multiple users claimed they “decided to skip all of his dialogue” to avoid talking to Mr. Xiyan.

One fan explained that as soon as they have to meet with the NPC they, “Start dialogue, minimize screen, open breaking bad, auto clicker over middle dialogue option. It’s gameplay time.” Showing just how far fans will go to avoid having to talk to the NPC.

“Annoying is an understatement,” highlighted one Honkai player with the OP backing the statement up saying, “he’s so arrogant, I hate him.”

However, while many found Mr. Xiyan to be insufferable, one user provided an insight as to why he’s like this, stating, “He’s annoying on purpose cause he’s supposed to be a satire on bad writing tropes and egoistic people who poorly critique writing and think they know better. If you hate him and his stories, then his purpose is fulfilled.”

Whether it’s intentional or not, with over 3.5k upvotes, it’s clear that Honkai Star Rail players all agree that Mr. Xiyan is one of the most annoying NPCs in the game.