MGS fans are freaking out over Snake Eater remake footage

John Esposito
MGS fans are freaking out over Snake Eater remake footage

New footage from the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater remake has officially released, and fans loved every second of it.

PlayStation’s May showcase brought a ton of surprises, such as the reveal of Bungie’s Marathon revival and footage of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. But the biggest surprise of all came from Konami, as the publisher revealed a MGS: Snake Eater remake, which arguably stole the show. 

The topic of remakes can be a touchy subject among fans. There’s a fine line that players don’t want crossed between preserving the original title versus careful upgrades to things like controls, graphics, and certain segments that have aged poorly.

Thus, it’s safe to say that the Snake Eater remake is under very watchful eyes. However, new in-game footage has finally been showcased, and it’s eased some of the tension Konami has to navigate through.

MGS fans react to Snake Eater remake in-engine footage

With the Snake Eater remake, Konami’s challenge is two-fold. The studio has to fine-tune a famously acclaimed gaming experience, on top of regaining the goodwill that was lost after the messy exodus of series director Hideo Kojima.

During the Xbox Partner Preview, Konami made a surprise appearance with a first look at footage of the remake. Remade with the power of Unreal Engine 5, fans were left speechless at what was shown.

“This looks so graphically amazing” basically summed up the experience, as viewers saw Naked Snake traverse through the dense jungle. Scenic shots showed off the power of UE5, as water beautifully reflected light and mud messily dripped off Snake after a muddy dive.

The social media community also loved what they saw, although some fans remained cautious. The remake won’t feature Kojima’s involvement, and as mentioned, his exodus left a lot of fans burned. Minor complaints came up fans weren’t pleased with Snake’s face in this revamped project.

Overall, fans appear to think that Konami has seemingly found its stride here, at least from a graphical standpoint.

The remake is still some ways off with no targeted release date in sight, so time will tell what else Konami has up its sleeve with the MGS3: Snake Eater remake.