Blind gamer Sven shatters barriers with Street Fighter 6 victory at EVO 2023

Jake Nichols
BlindWarriorSven scores a win at EVO 2023

In an extraordinary display of skill, blind Street Fighter gamer ‘BlindWarriorSven’ clinched an impressive victory at EVO 2023.

Sven stole the show on Day 1 of the world’s premier fighting game tournament, showcasing his prowess as an E. Honda specialist on the main stage.

Despite his blindness, Sven delivered a performance that left fans in awe, securing a 2-1 win after using Honda’s headbutt ability to devastating effect in the final game.

Sven’s stunning victory is now going viral within the gaming community, as many fellow players are amazed by this incredible feat.

After losing his sight at the age of six due to cancer, Sven found a new passion in fighting games, particularly Street Fighter 2. Sven quickly discovered that he could use sound to determine his opponent’s position and moves in the game.

Over the years, using his platforms on both Twitch and YouTube, Sven has advocated for greater accessibility in video games and has actively encouraged companies to cater to more players with disabilities.

Street Fighter 6, in particular, made significant improvements to accessibility features, helping to provide blind players with critical information during gameplay. For instance, the game uses unique sounds to signal different attacks and dodges.

A distinct audio cue also helps indicate the character’s position relative to the opponent. The audio cue speeds up or down based on the player’s proximity to the opponent and helps with distance management — one of the most important aspects of a fighting game. Furthermore, Street Fighter also offers a variety of control schemes that can assist blind players, particularly those new to the game.

EVO 2023, the world’s largest fighting game tournament, has seen a record-breaking turnout this year. The Las Vegas event has been a hive of activity, with a line of attendees stretching out the door and down the hallway.

Amidst the buzz of competition and the excitement of new game previews, Sven’s victory stands out, marking a significant moment for inclusive gaming.