TikToker says neighbors actually called cops on her for being “too hot”

David Purcell
tiktoker 1mperatix

This TikToker claims that if being hot was a crime, she would be locked up – so much so that local neighbors have reported her to the police.

Videos can blow up on TikTok for all sorts of reasons, whether it’s a dog interacting with a video game character or a famous father of an influencer calling out rappers for boxing matches.

In the case of one TikToker, however, she’s gone viral for appearing to be “too hot” for local residents.

TikToker claims neighbor called cops over “hot” outfit

A post from user 1mperatrix has racked up over five million views since it was first posted in 2021, captioned: “Yesterday my neighbor called the cops on me for dressing “inappropriately”.”

Despite being pretty old, thousands of new viewers are still seeing it resurface as it gets pushed by the app’s algorithm.

Her clip was just 15 seconds long, showing just the upper half of her body. She was wearing a spikey choker and had long nails during the recording.

The clip appears to show the TikTok creator speaking to an officer, with a male voice being heard in the background between sentences as she’s talking.

She says: “I am fully dressed. She just doesn’t like my style and I told her my body offends you. That is what the issue is. I am allowed to exist and be hot. I am going to continue to do so. I don’t know what she expects you to do.”

It was later revealed that the call to police claimed she was on somebody else’s private property.

TikToker reveals outfit

The more likes that rolled in for the TikToker, the more people wanted to see a reveal of the outfit she was wearing – which would help users assess whether it was appropriate clothing.

The second clip shows a pair of short jean shorts, long-heeled boots that come up to her knees, and a crop top.

One user joked about “the cop saying ‘that is true'” during the clip. Another said: “Her husband was probably checking you out and she got upset.”

A third user posted: “‘I’m allowed to exist and be hot, and will continue to do so…’ as you should.”

Whether that is enough to call the cops is not for us to say, but it’s certainly got people talking on social media.

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on Dexerto.com and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: david.purcell@dexerto.com.