Baldur’s Gate 3 subtle detail proves everyone loves Scratch

Scott Baird
The dog Scratch in bg3

It would be hard to find a Baldur’s Gate 3 fan who dislikes Scratch, which extends to the characters in-universe, as demonstrated by a subtle detail in the camp.

Having an adorable dog as a traveling companion is an easy way to win over fans. Dogmeat in the Fallout games is a great example, as many players will choose to keep him over the more demonstrably useful party members because he’s such a good boy.

The love for Scratch is also present among the party members in Baldur’s Gate 3 (unless you’re a heartless monster who gets rid of him.) This is because Scratch gets his own little tent in the camp, one presumably raised by the party.

What’s funny about the tent is that not all of the humanoid party members get their own tent. Tav or the Dark Urge are usually stuck with a bedroll, while Halsin just kind of stands around (though he has the ability to grow fur, so it’s not like he’s going to be cold.)

As discussed on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit, some fans didn’t realize that was Scratch’s tent. There are many tents and containers in the camp, and characters move around between rests, so it’s easy to lose track of where everything is.

Scratch has an easier time winning friends than most animal companions in video games due to the player’s ability to communicate with him via magic. And even the most heartless Dark Urge player will struggle to harm him.

With all of that banked goodwill, it’s no surprise that Scratch has his own little tent. It’s just a shame that the Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion spell from D&D 5e didn’t make it into the game, as that’s the only appropriate home for Scratch.