Solo Leveling Episode 11 has a hidden detail teasing a highly anticipated fight

Anthony McGlynn
Sung Jinwoo in Solo Leveling Episode 11

Solo Leveling gave us another thriller encounter in Episode 11, with Sung Jinwoo facing the Bloodred Knight Commander and a slew of other enemies. In amongst all the fighting, a familiar face appeared on-screen, teasing something spectacular.

Sadly, we’re coming up to the end of Solo Leveling’s first cour. Already one of the best anime of 2024, the show has only gotten bigger and bolder since the premiere in January.

Among the twists and turns, we’re still wondering what’ll happen with the double dungeon Jinwoo narrowly survived back in the first episode. The whole ordeal was horrifying, and it’s been barely mentioned since.

In Episode 11, we got a hint of a return. In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo, the God statue from that infamous dungeon is shown during an impact frame, providing a suggestion of what’ll happen later.

God statue in Solo Leveling Episode 11

That smile — there’s no mistaking it. Fans who know the manhwa believe it could be pointing towards two options: a rematch with the God statue, or Jinwoo’s meeting with the Architect. Both are feasible, though I think another run at the double-dungeon is more likely, since that’s what most viewers will understand at this point in time.

Such a reference has fans believing the anime show will remain consistent to the end. “This is assurance that A-1 Pictures knows how to build future things up for the better,” one fan says on Reddit.

For now, we still have the result of Jinwoo’s job change to worry about. Have a look at our list of the best anime like Solo Leveling if you’re hungry for more great shows in the meantime.