Niantic responds to recent Wayfarer ban issues affecting Pokemon Go

Brianna Reeves
pokemon go wayfarer ban

Pokemon Go developer Niantic issued a clarification in response to community concerns about the recent Wayfarer bans.

The Wayfarer program joined the Pokemon Go experience in 2019, allowing players to submit real-world locations as possible PokeStops.

But for the last few weeks, Niantic has started issuing 30-day bans, specifically targeting Wayfarer users who submit “nominations that do not meet [the company’s] criteria.” Some players and content creators are calling foul, arguing that rule-abiding users have been unjustly suspended. Niantic disagrees.

Amid community backlash, the studio clarified its stance on the matter. Apparently, none of the banned players were penalized without cause.

Niantic addresses divisive Wayfarer bans affecting Pokemon Go

In response to a clarification request from a Niantic Labs forums user, Niantic assured every punishment doled out occurs through “proper investigation.” Auto-rejections and submissions occupying a “grey area” don’t result in suspensions, the message said. Furthermore, the team’s removal of Wayspots does not automatically initiate disciplinary action.

And those who receive punishment are only targeted for “clear violations” of policies outlined in the Terms of Service. With respect to Pokemon Go community backlash, the statement notes that social media posts often lack full context. The statement reads in part,

“We hand out punishments for clear violations of our policies that may include repeated low-quality submissions, fake submissions, influencing reviewers, harassing others, participating in voting rings, etc. If someone does not indulge in these practices, there is nothing to worry [about].”

pokemon go wayfarer bans

Many user comments beneath the response tend to agree that Niantic is in the right. One person claimed they reached out to a banned player mentioned in a Zyonik video and saw from their activity that the ban was warranted.

The user continued: “So far we have no confirmed case of a penalty being issued wrongly, and someone from Taiwan who appealed his suspension that was absolutely deserved, even got it shortened.”

Tensions between the community and Niantic always seem somewhat high. But it’s possible that, in this particular instance, the user base is getting it wrong. Players can determine that much and more for themselves as more information surfaces.