How to catch Humans in Palworld

Liam Ho
Capturing Humans in Palworld

Palworld has skyrocketed itself as one of the most popular games launched in 2024, here’s how to catch other humans in the sandbox title.

Palworld has quickly surged into one of the most popular games at the moment. The title has been called out for plagiarizing Pokemon, with the director responding to said allegations. However, Palworld still offers players a sandbox of resources to collect, Pals to capture, and money to make.

As a title that sees players put their Pals to work for profit, players have the option to do basically whatever they want with the various entities they come across, including human beings.

With that being said, here’s how to capture humans in Palworld.

Capturing Humans in Palworld

Like other creatures in Palworld, capturing other human beings is relatively simple. You’ll need to have at least one Pal Sphere if you want a chance of capturing them, but otherwise (barring ethical reasons) you’re free to yoink whoever you want.

In order to capture a human in Palworld you should:

  • Find a human and engage with them in combat
  • Lower their health to maximize the chance of successfully capturing them with a Pal Sphere
  • Throw a Pal Sphere at them to attempt to capture them
  • Humans can escape the Pal Sphere, meaning players may need to chip down their health once more for a chance to recapture them

What can you do with a captured human in Palworld?

Once a human has been captured in a Pal Sphere, they essentially become like any other Pal. You’re able to add them to your party and summon them to battle enemies, assign them to your base, or even sell them for Gold.

You can also butcher humans in Palworld, by equipping a Butchering Knife and selecting the butcher option when near a captured human. This seemingly rerolls the drop table for the butchered human, which normally results in some gold or ammo.

Where can you sell captured humans in Palworld?

If you don’t particularly like your humans and would rather have gold, you can instead trade them to a couple of merchants. Trading is similar to any other pals, simply select the one you’d like to sell and reap the rewards.

Settlement Merchant in Palworld
Settlement Merchants can be found at Small Settlements on the map.

It is worth noting that humans whilst definitely morally grey to capture, aren’t actually that useful in terms of skills since they lack ones that real Pals have.