New York Excelsior’s Pine shows off incredibly clean Tracer play in ranked Overwatch

Joe O'Brien

New York Excelsior’s Kim ‘Pine’ Do-hyeon showed he’s a highlight machine even outside of his signature heroes with incredible Tracer play in ranked Overwatch.

New York Excelsior’s Big Boss is best known for his McCree and Widowmaker play, but during a recent stream he showed that he can be just as formidable on Tracer.

Pine has never been known as a Tracer player, not least because that role for New York Excelsior is filled by Park ‘Saebyeolbe’ Jong-ryeol, considered by many the best player in the world and universally placed in the conversation at minimum.

What Pine is known for, however, is his incredible mechanical skill. Despite not having been a starter for New York Excelsior in Season One, Pine might have had more highlight plays than any other player in the Overwatch League, a product of his incredible aim and an aggressive, flashy play-style.

Apparently that skill set translates perfectly well to Tracer, despite her unique play-style meaning she’s usually distinguished from the more classic hitscan DPS heroes that Pine typically excels with.

As his team is attempting to close out a Watchpoint: Gibraltar game in the first stage on offence, Pine finds a flank and eliminates the enemy Ana. He then makes his way into the back line, playing around his blinks and recalls with perfect precision to prevent enemy reinforcements from contesting the objective.

Pine finishes the clip with another kill on the enemy Ana, dancing back and forth before ending it with a crisp dash-into-melee to close out the game.

About The Author

Joe O'Brien was a veteran esports and gaming journalist, with a passion and knowledge for almost every esport, ranging from Call of Duty, to League of Legends, to Overwatch. He joined Dexerto in 2015, as the company's first employee, and helped shape the coverage for years to come.