How to earn Legacy Competitive points in Overwatch 2

Jeremy Gan
Overwatch 2 Competitive point changes

With Season 9’s Competitive overhaul, Overwatch 2 introduced the new Legacy Competitive points with it. So here’s a guide on what they are and how to earn them. 

Season 9 of Overwatch 2 is now underway, and the major update brought with it a lot of shake-ups. From the meta-changing tweaks to hero health pools and healing passives to a rework for Pharah, the game has been drastically changed. 

And with the plethora of Hero changes also comes the long-awaited Competitive overhaul, changing up how the rank-up system works while adding a new rank above Grandmaster called ‘Champion’, and the new Legacy Competitive points. 

However, the new Legacy Competitive points system can be quite convoluted, so here is a guide on what it is, and how to earn the new currency.

What are Legacy Competitive points in Overwatch 2?

Legacy Competitive points are the new currency used to buy Golden and Emerald guns in Overwatch. 

These replace the regular Competitive points that were used to buy Golden guns. However, after the Competitive change in Season 9, they now replace it as the exclusive currency to buy the weapon skins. 

How to earn Legacy Competitive points in Overwatch 2

Legacy Competitive points can only be earned by converting regular Competitive points into Legacy Competitive points. 

However, there is no way to manually convert regular Competitive points into Legacy Competitive points. The only way to convert it is to wait until the end of a Competitive year, which is when it will automatically convert regular ones to Legacy Competitive Points. 

The end of a Competitive year usually coincides with the end of a year, which means the next one is at the end of 2024. 

Luckily, whatever regular Competitive points you have gained from Season 8 and before has been automatically converted into Legacy Competitive points, of which you can spend on weapon skins. 

To earn regular Competitive points, they will be rewarded at the end of a Competitive season. The amount will vary based on your rank placement (the higher your rank the more points you earn), and additional points given based on how many matches you’ve won or drawn. 

However, this system is getting a change in Season 10, as announced by Overwatch 2 Game Director Aaron Keller, after receiving criticism from players. The changes will be announced closer to Season 10’s release.