Shroud completely breaks Blackout while trying to catch a supply drop with a helicopter

Matt Porter

Former Counter-Strike: Global Offensive pro player Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek hilariously managed to find himself swimming underneath the map during a game of Blackout on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

The streamer was trying to catch a supply drop in midair using a helicopter he was piloting, with Skadoodle, just9n and anythING directing him on how to steer the helicopter so it would be directly underneath the falling package.

Shroud was able to position the helicopter perfectly, with the supply drop landing neatly on top of the helicopter.

Unfortunately, instead of sitting on top of the vehicle, it began to drag the helicopter down to the ground, and Grzesiek could only watch in horror as he was pushed through the map and into an abyss below, where he could swim around.

“Guys, I’m in the floor,” laughed shroud, as he stared up at his teammates.

The Canadian attempted to use his Grapple Gun to get back on the right side of the map, and was able to shoot it and grab onto the floor. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t let him through, and he just kept bouncing back into the water below the map.

With shroud losing hope, he suddenly began to fall again. “I’m falling again,” commented Grzesiek, “This is where I die.” Miraculously, instead of being eliminated, shroud ended up back on the ground as if nothing had ever happened.

Shroud has been showing off his amazing shot and incredible in-game smarts since the release of Blackout alongside Black Ops 4.

Recently, Grzesiek went an incredible rampage, taking out six enemies single handedly with a SAUG 9mm, and also pulled off a crazy ATV kill during the Doritos Bowl tournament at TwitchCon.

About The Author

Matt is a former Dexerto writer. Hailing from Northern Ireland, he is games journalist who specializes in Call of Duty. Matt joined Dexerto in August 2018, covering a variety of games as a Senior Writer before moving to CharlieINTEL in 2020.