JGOD highlights Warzone shotgun trick that makes them even more OP

Connor Bennett
Call of Duty character running around with Lockwood 300 shotgun

Warzone guru JGOD believes there is a way to make shotguns even more OP than they currently are in-game, and it involves using a feature many players have forgotten about. 

Over the past few years, Warzone players have gone back and forth on what weapon type they believe is the most OP in-game. At times, assault rifles have ruled the roost, but it’s typically SMGs or LMGs that stand out as the most powerful weapons.

However, shotguns have, at times, also made their case. The close-quarters weapons are typically strong shortly after a big update because a new attachment or ammo type has been added to propel them right to the top. No one will forget the Dragon’s Breath ammunition or Lockwood 300 double tap anytime soon. 

After the Season 1 Reloaded update, shotguns from Modern Warfare 3 and 2 took a bit of a step back in the Warzone meta, however, they can still be overpowered – especially with a feature that many players have forgotten about. 

JGOD highlights shotgun trick that makes them even more OP

That’s all according to Warzone guru JGOD as he believes that the Tac-Stance mechanic makes for “cleaner ironsights, but that’s not all. 

“The other advantage is, when you slide, you can actually get into that (Tac-Stance), which is even more effective when you’re on auto tac-sprint. When you slide, you can close that distance versus when you’re sprinting, a lot of the time you’re going to have that sprint-to-fire time (effecting it),” he said. 

JGOD did note that some shotguns definitely “require more skill” to use than some other weapons, but it can give you a big advantage if you master it. 

Shotguns are always a solid secondary weapon option, meaning you can do the damage with something like an assault rifle before finishing the job off with close-range shots. 

As we know, though, the devs aren’t shy when it comes to nerfing shotguns into the ground, so if things become a little too powerful, then that won’t last long.