Respawn confirms fix for no teammates in Apex Legends is coming in 9.1 update

Connor Bennett
No teammates in apex legends

Respawn Entertainment believe they’ve got a fix worked out for the no teammates in a duo queue bug, but they’re waiting a little longer before “declaring victory.”

Just like other multiplayer games, Apex Legends has got its fair share of annoying bugs and niggles that might seem easy to fix but actually take a while to get sorted out.

The most annoying of these have revolved around Legend abilities, but in the last few months, there has been a major headache for players who queue up for duo games by themselves.

More often than not, if you queue up as a solo and search for a duos match, you won’t actually find a teammate and will have to battle it out all by yourself.

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Some players drop into duos without anyone to watch their back.

Some players don’t mind it, given they can pick up some bragging rights for scoring a win over duos without having anyone to watch their back.

However, most of the time, you’d rather just have a teammate, so Respawn have been hard at work to figure the problem out, and it seems like they’ve got it sorted in the 9.1 patch that’s coming on June 29.

Respawn’s Ryan Rigney answered some complaints about the ongoing issue on Twitter, saying the devs believe they’ve got it straightened out. “Our engineers *think* we’ve fixed it this time but this one in particular has been so hard to nail down that we want to wait and see before declaring victory,” he said.

The new fix will roll out as a part of the update on June 29, but as Rigney notes, it’ll take a little stress testing from players before we find out if the issue is gone for good.

If not, it’ll be back to the drawing board for Respawn to see if they can get it ironed out. Though, many players are hoping that won’t be the case.

About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at