Tyler1 explains why he’ll never get banned from League of Legends

Kamil Malinowski

Popular League of Legends streamer Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp has explained the reasons why he will never be banned from the game. 

Tyler1 is no doubt the most popular League of Legends streamer in the world, drawing in tens of thousands of views on Twitch with his entertaining content on a daily basis. 

He is well known for becoming ‘reformed’ after being banned for verbal abuse in 2016 and attempting to turn over a new leaf. This led to him being unbanned at the start of 2018 and exploding in popularity, and now he has even gone as far as to claim that he’ll never be banned from the game again.

Tyler1 is the biggest League of Legends streamer out there.

The American made the bold claim during a usual LoL stream on March 2, where he confidently backed himself to never be banned. “Do you think I would ever get banned? I’m literally the face of this dead, dying game. That’s the truth,” he began, before diving into more reasons.

“Second of all, I’m innocent, I didn’t do anything wrong, and thirdly, Riot can’t ban me because I’m black.” Of course, the last reason was a bit of a joke from Tyler and he immediately made it clear. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, but… there are not many popular brothers on League so… I don’t know,” He joked again.

However, he did make a great point with his first reason. He is by far the most popular League of Legends streamer and if Riot Games were to ban him, again, then they could possibly be losing out on a ton of exposure to casual viewers. 

Steinkamp has also appeared in official tournament broadcasts, most recently the LCS finals, and many see him as an integral part of the community.

So, while Tyler1 is by no means immune from a ban, it is very likely that he wouldn’t be banned from the game unless he does something incredibly wrong, which he will likely do his best to avoid.

About The Author

Kamil is a former Dexerto writer, gaming and esports journalist, with particular expertise in CSGO and League of Legends. He covers the breaking news, guides for the latest games and the biggest moves and tournaments in esports. He has experience in covering big events, and a wide knowledge of the esports landscape.