Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope set for 2022 with a new galaxy revealed

David Purcell
Mario Rabbids Nintendo Ubisoft

One of Ubisoft Forward’s biggest E3 announcements has been officially revealed after an early leak on Nintendo’s website – Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, coming in 2022.

  • Nintendo leaked official details regarding a new Mario game on their website before Ubisoft Forward
  • Ubisoft later confirmed the game’s title as Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
  • The Ubisoft/Nintendo collab is currently scheduled for release in 2022

There have been murmurs for months now that a new “secret” Ubisoft game was in the works, potentially to be revealed for the first time during E3 2021 – and its existence has now been confirmed.

This is the first E3 trade fair in history to be held remotely, due to the ongoing global health crisis, and it was widely expected that the big developers and publishers would be preparing some surprises.

First leaked by a Nintendo web page that was later taken down, then officially confirmed during Ubisoft’s E3 press conference, Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope has been officially announced, and is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2022.

Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope confirmed at Ubisoft Forward

On June 12, just hours before Ubisoft Forward at E3, Nintendo’s own website set a page live that unveiled the new game.

The page was disabled soon after, however, some eagle-eyed fans caught a glimpse of it before that happened and images from the new title spread like wildfire on social media.

News of the game’s leaked release spread across the internet, with Bloomberg’s Jason Schrier confirming this was the “secret” Ubisoft game he’d teased in the past.

Fans didn’t have to wait long for an official announcement either. During Ubisoft Forward, the developer unveiled a brand-new cinematic trailer and dedicated page on their website, confirming that the game does exist and teasing fans with what’s to come for Mario and the Rabbids.

Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope release date

The leaked Nintendo web page teased a release date for Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope sometime in 2022. With the game’s official trailer seeing the light of day at E3, Ubisoft also confirmed the new title will land on the Nintendo Switch at some point next year.

Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope screenshots

A number of screenshots have surfaced since the page went live, seen below.

Mario x rabids 2021
Here’s one other screenshot from Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope.

Mario x Rabbids: Sparks of Hope world premiere trailer

The official Mario x Rabids: Sparks of Hope cinematic world premier trailer debuted during Ubisoft Forward at E3 2021. We’ve added the trailer here for your easy viewing pleasure.

We’ll update this page with more info on the highly anticipated Ubisoft-Nintendo collaboration as and when we get it.

More to follow…

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: