D&D creator Wizards of the Coast apologizes after OGL news update

Laura Gray
Dungeons & Dragons OGL will remain

Shared on D&D Beyond, Wizards of the Coast has apologized to the Dungeons & Dragons fanbase over the OGL changes anticipated for OneD&D, stating the open license from previous editions will remain in place.

Dungeons & Dragons fans have been locked in a battle against the tabletop creator Wizards of the Coast for the last several weeks following an announcement that OneD&D would end the OGL 1.0A. The open license enabled content creators around the world to share their epic adventures while also encouraging fans to invent and build their own content for the game in the form of homebrew.

For many, Dungeons & Dragons has been a gateway to social connection, celebrating a love of fantasy and creativity among players for decades. The 1.0A OGL allowed fans to take the game’s base mechanics and use them in new ways, fostering a rich and diverse tabletop community.

Following pushback on the new OGL 1.2, Wizards of the Coast opened a survey, offering players the chance to vocalize their own views on the changes proposed by the developer. After seeing the results, WotC has made the announcement that OGL 1.2 will not be used and that 1.0A will remain for OneD&D.

Dungeons & Dragons fans get an apology

In addition to the news that 1.0A will stay, WotC also apologized to fans via the D&D Beyond Twitter account. The post reads, “Thank you for your continued dedication and love for Dungeons & Dragons. We are sorry for the pain we’ve caused to the community. We look forward to building what comes next with our players and creators.”

Dungeons & Dragons fans in the comments have mixed emotions, with some grateful the voices of the community were heard and others anxious that WotC will try to do something similar in the future. One player states, “Thank you for listening to the community. Now let’s continue rolling!” while another adds, “You tried it with 4e, you tried it with OneD&D, I have full confidence you’ll try it again with TwoD&D”.

While it is possible Dungeons & Dragons players could see something like this arise again in future editions of the game, the prospects for OneD&D are definitely looking brighter. It will hopefully help those anxious about upcoming changes feel more excited about new adventures.