How to use the Quadcrasher and Balloons to fly anywhere on the Fortnite map

Matt Porter

Clever Fortnite players have already found a way to use the games new Balloons item to rotate to any location on the map.

Unfortunately, this manoeuvre can’t be performed alone. You’ll need a teammate to help you out, and you’ll also need to find a Quadcrasher ATV to make this work.

However, if you can find the Quadcrasher and some balloons, you can easily combine the two to fly high into the air, get well above the storm itself, and fly to any location on the map you please.

As shown by Reddit user ‘WILLYWONG‘, players simply need to acquire the items and then get on the Quadcrasher, making sure that the player who has the balloons is sitting on the back and not in the driver’s seat.

The power of the balloons will begin to lift the Quadcrasher, and allow it to float in the air. As the rear player keeps filling new balloons to keep the pair rising, the driver needs to randomly use the Quadcrasher’s boost capabilities to shoot them higher into the air.

Using this technique, players can fly high above the storm, bail off the Quadcrasher, and pull their gliders, giving them plenty of time and options to rotate anywhere on the Fortnite map.

Fortnite’s new Balloons allow players to float into the air, with players inflating or deflating the items depending on how high they want to go.

To accommodate the new item, Epic Games were forced to change the way that fall damage was calculated, changing it from a height-based system to one that determines damage based on the velocity of the fall.

The balloons were included in the V6.21 patch for the popular battle royale title, along with the announcement of a new in-game event that’s scheduled to take place on Sunday, November 4.

About The Author

Matt is a former Dexerto writer. Hailing from Northern Ireland, he is games journalist who specializes in Call of Duty. Matt joined Dexerto in August 2018, covering a variety of games as a Senior Writer before moving to CharlieINTEL in 2020.