League of Legends: Fnatic replace star midlaner Caps with Slovenian rising star

David Purcell

Fnatic has taken another risk by appointing an unproven midlaner to replace Rasmus ‘Caps’ Winther for the 2019 League of Legends European Championships (LEC), with the acquisition of Tim ‘Nemesis’ Lipovsek. 

Nemesis is very much an upcoming star in esports and was part of the MAD Lions team which won LVP Superliga in 2018 twice, as well as the EU Masters 2018.

As we have seen in the past, however, Fnatic are very much capable of making these risks pay dividends. Just take a look at how Fnatic’s rookie top-laner Bwipo stood out as one of the best in his role as the team went to the World Championship final.

With that in mind, the 19-year old Slovenian is now relishing his chance of improving with the Black and Orange.

Having completed the move, Lipovsek said: “I’m delighted to represent Fnatic now; it feels unreal knowing I’ll be able to play for the Fnatic fans. Even before being announced, they’ve shown me an incredible amount of support already!

“Now, I look forward to working with my new teammates who have shown huge success in the past years. I’m confident I can perform to the highest standards that were set by my midlane predecessors.”

The incoming rising star will be stepping into some big shoes, though, replacing Rasmus ‘Caps’ Winther who decided to swap Fnatic for G2 Esports just under a week ago. He was undoubtedly one of the best midlaners in the world and has left to the biggest domestic rival – riling up the pressure on the young replacement to deliver. 

Read More: Fnatic have since denied financial causes for the loss of their star player 

Fnatic have faith in their ability to develop future stars and now Nemesis is going to be a big part of their team. 

Speaking about their new man, Fnatic League of Legends Team Director Joey ‘YoungBuck’ Steltenpool said: “We’ve been following Nemesis for quite some time during his stay at Mad Lions and, from everything we’ve seen and heard, he ticks all the boxes.

“Building up talent may take time and always comes with risk. But I believe Fnatic provides their players the perfect platform to become stars.” 

Even with a great track record of improving their teams and developing talent, the pressure is certainly on for Fnatic to deliver in the upcoming season. 

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About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on Dexerto.com and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: david.purcell@dexerto.com.