Australian CS:GO Caster Loses it After Team Kill “These are the two best teams in Australia, f**k off!”

A blooper during an Australian CS:GO Grand Final caused the casters to absolutely lose it, breaking down in laughter.

Grayhound Gaming and ORDER met in the finals of the ESEA MDL Australia but it was not the result that was the headline after the match.

An unfortunate error from ORDER, along with the caster’s reaction, caused the match to go viral.

ORDER had a lead in the early stages of the match, heading into round 8 up 6-1. (NSFW Language)

The lead gave them the cash to pick up an AWP but that would be their downfall as Sicoj sniped his own teammate in the back of the head at point blank range.

The casters lost it, with one laughing too hard to get out any words. The other was disappointed in his countrymen’s performance.

What the fuck is this fucking game? This is the two best teams in Australia, fuck off!

The other caster was finally able to speak through his laughter.

Oh God, It’s a grand final!

The casters knew the blooper was going places, betting it would appear on reddit.

Grayhound would go on to defeat ORDER by a map score of 2-1 to win Season 28 of ESEA MDL Australia.

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