Apex Legends players angry as EA doubles price of Apex Coins in Turkey

Alex Garton
Horizon Apex Legends

EA has almost doubled the price of Apex Legends coins in Turkey overnight, making them impossible for some players to afford.

While gunplay will always be the most important aspect of Apex Legends, cosmetics are not too far behind as Respawn adds countless new designs with every update.

As a result, the community buys a lot of Apex Coins which have a set price in each region.

Well, some members of the community realized that coins were significantly cheaper in Turkey, and they began switching regions to buy the currency.

While this worked for a long time, EA has responded by almost doubling the price of Apex Coins in the region, making it harder for players from Turkey to afford skins and cosmetics.

Apex Legends Apex Coins
EA has raised the price of Apex Coins in Turkey.

EA raises Apex Legends coin prices in Turkey

As showcased by Apex Legends content creator KralRindo, EA decided to almost double the price of Apex Coins overnight in Turkey.

This appears to be an action taken against players who are not from Turkey, region swapping to the country so they can obtain cheaper Apex Coins.

Unfortunately, this has now negatively impacted countless Turkish players, with some of them revealing they can no longer afford to buy the currency.

“Not gonna be able to buy skins anymore Sadge,” wrote one disappointed player, with another calling for EA to “just block it at this point, what’s the point, It was semi-affordable before… Now it’s just absurd”.


It’s clear a lot of the Turkish community is frustrated they’ve been punished for the actions of players from other regions.

Taking into account the average wage difference between the US and Turkey, this price hike will mean a lot of players will no longer be able to afford the currency, unless EA finds a different solution in the future.

About The Author

Alex Garton is a former writer for Dexerto. He has a BA in English Literature and has been a Games Writer for over four years. He has previously written for Gfinity and TOP10Esports. Specializing in Call of Duty and Apex Legends, he also enjoys diving into new releases to create informative guides.