Terminally ill WoW player asks Blizzard to overturn ban before Molten Core

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery is now in its final phase and raids are going live soon. One long-time, terminally ill WoW player won’t currently be able to enjoy it, however, after they claimed to be unjustly banned.
In a post on Reddit, the player shared that their account had been closed due to “exploiting the in-game economy.”
While this is a huge deal for any WoW player, there are a couple of reasons that this appeal is considerably more contentious. The first is that the OP is claiming no wrongdoing, instead believing they fell victim to mass reporting from bots.
Additionally, this all comes from someone who played the game long before its official release in 2004, with a supposed long record of playing within the rules.
With Molten Core set to re-release in Season of Discovery for the last time on July 25, the player has been campaigning for the ban to be overturned before the raid goes live. The first attempt at an appeal reduced the ban from account closure to six months.
It is certainly the case that Blizzard has an automated banning system where several reports from players for the same issue can lead to short-term bans. Additionally, more serious offenses, such as the one claimed above, can lead to longer bans without manual verification.
What exactly happened here remains unclear, but the post has picked up a ton of momentum as the player endeavors to get their case in front of a Blizzard employee. Whether that will happen and result in an overturning of the ban remains to be seen.
With just a few days to go before the release of the raid in Season of Discovery, it seems unlikely that the situation will be resolved before Molten Core hits live servers.