Valorant experts explain why Vyse is secretly one of the best Agents

Vyse has been out for a few weeks and most Valorant players are using her like a Sentinel, which is not how she should be played.
Vyse is a hybrid agent, and while she is classified in the Sentinel class she also has abilities that can be used like an Initiator. However, the general Valorant community has been playing her more like Cypher and Killjoy, setting her abilities up on spike sites and waiting for enemies to push in.
Educational Valorant social media accounts have also been pushing players to use her in this way, posting Vyse set-up guides for how to stop enemy pushes or trap teams in her barbed wire.
While the agent has excellent trap capabilities, thanks to its Razorvine, Shear, and Arc Rose abilities, players should use her utility to fight for space, not protect it.
Multiple Valorant coaches have pointed out that Vyse excels at fighting in “intermediate spaces” and doesn’t need to play safe.
“If we see her in like January being played like an anchor, then I think she’s broken because that’s not what she is supposed to be for. She is supposed to be for trapping the intermedia space before the site,” Jacob ‘mini’ Harris the former head coach of Fnatic said on Plat Chat.
mini and former Team Liquid head coach Connor ‘Sliggy’ Blomfield said on the Valorant podcast that they see the agent performing well in pro play, but she’s just doing alright in ranked matches for now. The two said Vyse will probably replace the flash initiator agent in many compositions, and pair well with another Sentinel.
They said the agent is best fighting over the neutral area of the map after the spawn walls drop, especially on smaller maps.
The agent also has a sneaky flash in Arc Rose, which can regenerate after being used with a relatively short cool down.
“The fact that you can peek with your gun out, it is pretty strong,” Sliggy said.
Vyse still has issues when attacking, as her utility isn’t great for pushing into enemy territory. In this case, players who use her to slow down enemy attacks after planting are definitely on the right track.
Passively setting up on defense is still a viable way to play Vyse, as ranked players using her as just a regular Sentinel has netted her a decent win rate at 49.3% across all ranks. However, that could be even higher if those piloting her played more proactively like an Initiator.
To best utilize Vyse’s kit and special place in the meta, players should push forward on defense and claim space instead.