Tarik proposes his own Valorant pro league to combat crypto throwing

Tarik and many other high-level Valorant players are frustrated with crypto throwing in their comp games, and he’s trying to combat the problem by creating his very own league for pros and high level players to practice in.
For pro players and streamers, getting queue sniped in competitive games is nothing new. Players often enjoy testing their might against the world’s best, and will do everything they can to beat or, at times, impede pros and content creators.
However, the rise of crypto betting sites and the ability to track live games has created “crypto throwers”, players who try to make a quick buck by purposely manipulating the results of ranked games.
Crypto throwers have been running rampant in the upper echelon of Valorant play, to the point where many pros and other vulnerable players have been heavily deterred from playing comp games altogether. So, Tarik has taken matters into his own hands and is proposing his very own pro league to create a good practice environment for Valorant’s best players.
Tarik fights crypto throwers by making a pro Valorant league
While Tarik wasn’t able to give too many details about how this pro league would be run, he does have an idea of how he’d from it and who he’d invite into the very closed circuit.
He plans to get about 100-120 players involved, with a fairly strict set of requirements in order to be eligible for the league.
While this isn’t a standard pro league with set teams, a broadcast crew, and sponsors involved, the proposed creation of a small-scale league shows Tarik’s commitment to creating a place where pros and top streamers like himself can practice without having games ruined by the rampancy of crypto throwers.
Tarik was fully transparent about how this whole concept is pretty up in the air, and that he can’t promise it’ll even function as intended. “I’m not sure if it’s gonna work, but we’re gonna give it a crack and see.”
The only players that can get a direct invite are those who are on a franchised team within NA and contracted players like those on teams like The Guard, G2, and other tier 1 organizations that have stayed in Valorant despite not making the cut for franchising.
It’s certainly an ambitious project, with Tarik even planning a council that judges which players will be allowed to join the league.
Crypto throwers may be a massive issue in Valorant now, but it’s a familiar pain when it comes to esports titles. League of Legends has had issues like this for years, with Chinese players being barred from playing on Korean servers in late 2022 partially to help combat South Korean pros having their games influenced by betting sites.
There’s also Champions Queue for North American LoL pros, something that has been implemented and administrated by Riot and has been, in some ways, modeled after for the new Chinese super server that’ll help protect pros and other players from the region against crypto throwers.
Riot has fought against issues like these in the past, and Tarik expressed that he ultimately hopes their people can find a way to address this during his on-stream conversation about the topic. “It all comes down to Riot hopefully putting together a plan for how they wanna approach this.”
If nothing else, Tarik’s proposition has sounded the alarm bells in the Valorant community and made people realize just how serious the issue has gotten for their favorite pros and streamers.