NRG Demon1’s Valorant settings: Keybinds, crosshair, mouse settings, more

Sourav Banik
an image of Demon1 in NRG kit

Max ‘Demon1’ Mazanov shines as a prominent player in VCT Americas, presently representing NRG. Delve into the details of Demon1’s Valorant settings, including keybinds, crosshair preferences, mouse settings, and beyond.

With Demon1 now donning the NRG jersey, his dynamic gameplay significantly contributed to Evil Geniuses‘ resurgence in VCT Americas, securing them a spot in the playoffs during the 2023 season.

The 21-year-old caught the eye of many a fan with his performances at VCT Masters Tokyo. As many wonder what settings Demon1 uses, here is a breakdown of how he likes to play the game.


Evil Geniuses Demon1
If you’re curious to know Demon1’s settings, we’ve got you covered

Demon1’s mouse settings

Demon1 plays on a high DPI at the value of 1600 while his in-game sensitivity is contrastingly low, at 0.1! He competes in matches using a G-Wolves HTS Plus 4K mouse.

Scoped Sensitivity1
ADS Sensitivity1
Windows Sensitivity4
Raw Input BufferOn
Mouse accelerationN/A

Demon1’s Valorant crosshair

Demon1 uses a small white crosshair with black outlines for precise aiming. You can copy the pro by manually choosing his settings, or you can import his crosshair with his unique code listed below.

  • 0;s;1;P;o;1;d;1;m;1;0b;0;1b;0


Outline Opacity1
Outline Thickness1
Centre DotOn
Centre Dot Opacity1
Centre Dot Thickness2

Inner Lines

Show Inner LinesOff
Inner Lines OpacityN/A
Inner Lines LengthN/A
Inner Lines ThicknessN/A
Inner Line OffsetN/A
Movement ErrorOff
Firing ErrorOff

Outer Lines

Show Outer LinesOff
Outer Lines OpacityN/A
Outer Lines LengthN/A
Outer Lines ThicknessN/A
Outer Line OffsetN/A
Movement ErrorOff
Firing ErrorOff

Demon1’s monitor and resolution

Demon1 uses the ZOWIE XL2566K gaming monitor at present and plays the game with a 1920×1080 resolution and 16:9 aspect ratio.

We have listed his full monitor settings below:

Aspect Ratio16:9
Refresh Rate360Hz
Response Time1ms
Display ModeFullscreen

Demon1’s video settings

Like many Valorant pros, Demon1 also plays at relatively low graphic settings, in order to the maximum FPS to match the monitor’s refresh rate.

Multithreaded RenderingOn
Material QualityLow
Texture QualityLow
Detail QualityLow
UI QualityLow
Anti-AliasingMSAA 4x
Anisotropic Filtering4x
Improve ClarityOff
Experimental SharpeningOn
Cast ShadowsOff

Demon1’s map settings

Here’s what Demon1’s map settings look like:

Fixed OrientationBased On Side
Keep Player CenteredOff
Minimap Size1.2
Minimap Zoom0.8
Minimap Vision ConesOn
Show Map Region NamesAlways

Demon1’s keybinds

Here are Demon1’s keybinds that give him the best results in-game:

WalkLeft Shift
CrouchLeft Ctrl
JumpSpace Bar / Mouse Wheel Down
Use ObjectF
Equip Primary WeaponC
Equip Secondary WeaponQ
Equip Melee WeaponE
Equip SpikeX
Ability 11
Ability 22
Ability 33
Ultimate Ability4

Demon1’s equipment

EquipmentPeripheral name
MouseRazer Viper Mini Signature Edition
MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
KeyboardWooting 60 HE
HeadsetHyperX Cloud II
MousepadZOWIE G-SR-SE Rouge

That is all the settings and gear that you need to emulate NRG Demon1’s settings. You can check out other pro Valorant player settings on Dexerto.