Tyler1 loses it at Ludwig for disguising as fan at TwitchCon meet and greet

Tyler1 couldn’t contain his ‘frustration’ after Ludwig tricked him by disguising himself as a fan during the League streamer’s meet and greet at TwitchCon San Diego.
TwitchCon San Diego was a chaotic time for the streaming world — but amidst the kerfuffle, some wholesome and hilarious moments ensued, including a humorous interaction between two of the net’s top entertainers.
Tyler1, a Twitch star with over 5 million followers, was posing for photos with fans as part of his meet and greet at the event when a tall viewer wearing a ballcap and a black medical mask came up to stand beside him.
After having a brief conversation, the two turned toward the camera to cheese for a pic… only for the fan to remove their mask, revealing themselves to be Ludwig Ahgren, a YouTube streamer with over 6 million subscribers.
Tyler1 was visibly unamused by Ludwig’s stunt, as evidenced by the hilarious face he pulled in their photo. But once the flash went off, Tyler popped off on his fellow streamer in a joking tirade for pulling a fast one on him.
“Get off of me, you piece of sh*t!” Tyler exclaimed. “You are dogsh*t at everything you do!”
It was obvious the two were merely joking around, and it didn’t take long before bystanders started urging them to “kiss” and make up.
The two continued to argue back and forth about their ranking on League before shaking on a bet that involved Ludwig reaching Platinum in the game.
The broadcasters are friends and were clearly just messing around with each other, much to the amusement of viewers online.
“Just kiss already,” one joked.
“Tyler trying to squeeze every inch of height out of that haircut,” another roasted the streamer.
“Tricked me too, lol,” another admitted.
This is far from the first time Tyler1 has been clowned about his height at TwitchCon. At TwitchCon 2018, the streamer became the subject of a famous meme as he stood next to host Mel Capperino-Garcia during a ‘Rumble at the Rift’ event, completely baffled by her tall stature.