PirateSoftware says Twitch “alienated” its art community with alleged AI global emote

Twitch streamer PirateSoftware has blasted Twitch for allegedly using AI to make a global emote, claiming they’ve alienated the platform’s art community by doing so.
In early December 2024, Twitch revealed a new global emote titled “catinthechat” in a post on Twitter/X.
“If you thought the Holiday Hoopla was over, think again. ‘Tis the season for coming together like never before because Shared Chat now includes shared viewership. Get combined view count, boosted discoverability, and from Dec 6-13 a festive new emote named (jinglebells please)…Cat in the Chat,” they said.
As fans began checking out the emote, many noticed it looked like it was made with Generative AI. Twitch star PirateSoftware was one of those people and made it clear he didn’t like the new global emote.
“You have a community of creatives that would have jumped at the chance to make a global emote. This could have been handled with a contest or tapping any of the many artists on the platform. Generative AI gives a worse product and makes you look like a clown,” he blasted.
Just a few days later, PirateSoftware was streaming when he brought up the topic again, this time sharing a bit more of his thoughts about Twitch’s decision to allegedly use AI.
“The tongue melts into the teeth, this is not a structure that’s on an actual cat. The year is part of the hat. This is AI-generated, hands down,” he said while pointing out the issues he has with the emote.
“I have now set up Nightbot to timeout anyone who uses this in the chat. I won’t allow it in the community, I’m deeply disappointed in Twitch for doing this. You know better, don’t be a dumba*s.
“I don’t know what they’re thinking, this is the dumbest move they could possibly make here. You’re going to alienate the whole part of your community, which is the art community, which helps make this platform work.”
This isn’t the first emote Twitch has added in 2024, either. After PirateSoftware broke the all-time Twitch Hype Train record back in April, the Amazon-owned platform immortalized it by adding an emote of him in a banana costume.