The Way Home Season 3 Episode 2’s explosive cliffhanger means Colton knows more than we think

The Way Home Season 3 Episode 2 ended with a cliffhanger that changes the rules of time travel in Port Haven. Teenage Colton is at the center, but what is he doing?
Back in Season 1, 15-year-old Alice discovered the Landry family pond was a time travel portal, taking her back to pivotal moments in the family’s history. Together with mom Kat, they’ve traveled back from the 1990s (when long-lost son Jacob disappeared) to the 1800s (where he was found).
Alongside widow Del, Colton is a key member of the Landry family. After Jacob disappeared, Colton’s grief hung over him, leading to his untimely death in 2000. In Season 3, the pond is leading Alice back to 1974, where teenage Colton first fell in love with Del.
Little does Alice know it, but Colton’s young years hold plenty of secrets of their own. New episodes of the binge-worthy TV show are just getting started, but we’ve already seen the unraveling of a huge secret.
Colton is time-traveling in The Way Home Season 3… but why?
At the end of The Way Home Season 3 Episode 2, Alice made her way back to the pond in the present-day timeline. After Elliot revealed his uncle Rick died shortly after the summer party in Episode 1, she headed back to try and stop a catastrophe. Only when she gets there, teenage Colton is emerging from the water.

But how? Up until recently, it’s been an unwritten rule that the present-day Landrys can only travel back to the past, not the other way around. However, this got blown out of the water in the Season 3 premiere when Jacob arrived back home after spending his teenage years stuck in the 1800s.
We still have no idea how he got back – there’s been an unexplained nine-month time jump since. Even so, alongside the confirmed knowledge past characters can travel forward in time, this means Colton knows more than we think he does.
Episode 2 only threw us a few breadcrumbs, so here’s what we definitely know. The mystery baby is still very much a mystery, but it’s definitely not Rick who was half of the couple first seen jumping into the water together. Given Elliot’s news, he’s not around to establish an actual relationship with Alice.
This brings us to Colton. Clearly, he not only knows how to time travel but knows of the portal’s existence. He could very well be half of the couple we’ve seen in flashbacks, with it most likely that the woman seen was Alice.

Alice met the teenage version of her Grandfather in Season 3 Episode 1, which led to her voice being featured on a record he kept for the rest of his life. They’re slowly starting to build up a relationship, and there’s a good chance Colton has come to the present to find her.
There’s another reason he could have traveled: Del. We’ve just seen the two meet in 1974, with Colton falling in love at first sight. Given Del has been left as his widow, is he coming to make amends?
However, the answer isn’t going to be given to us that easily! Whatever Colton knows – and there’s a lot – is going to be kept from us for as long as possible.
You can find The Way Home Seasons 1-2 already on the app, with Season 3 streaming weekly. For similar vibes, check out Virgin River Season 7, Sullivan’s Crossing Season 3, and shows if you like Virgin River.