The Night Agent Season 2 recap & ending explained

Jessica Cullen
The Night Agent S2 recap and ending explained: Peter Sutherland smiling

The Night Agent Season 2 has finally arrived, and the new batch of episodes sees Peter Sutherland embark on another deep-rooted political conspiracy. Even though things get dicey for the agent, we’ve got a full breakdown of Season 2 that explains all, including the ending. (Warning: spoilers ahead!)

Peter is back in The Night Agent Season 2. All new episodes are now on Netflix, and considering how much of a hit the first season proved to be, it won’t be surprising to see the follow-up rise up the charts.

However, being a Night Agent means taking on even the most complicated of missions. This time, Peter finds himself investigating a series of international intelligence leaks, all of which lead him to a horrific plot to unleash chemical warfare.

Higher stakes and more enemies make this a tricky task for Peter, Rose, and co., so let’s take a look at everything that went down this season.

Episode 1: A Bangkok mission goes wrong

The Night Agent Season 2 recap and ending explained: Gabriel Basso as Peter in The Night Agent

When The Night Agent Season 2 starts, Peter is on an undercover mission in Bangkok with his new partner, Alice. They’re following and tracking an intel drop-off, and watch as a man leaves a mysterious memory drive for another to collect. However, things go horribly wrong when they’re spotted, and on the way to the extraction point, Alice is shot.

This means one thing: someone knew where Peter and Alice’s extraction point was, and ratted them out. Could this be a leak inside Night Action? Peter, shaken by Alice’s death, jumps into a river to evade the killers and disappears into the night.

Months later, Peter is MIA. Even the new Night Action leader, Catherine, doesn’t know how to find him. Meanwhile, Rose is in therapy and working as a programmer for a new company, developing a system called AdVerse. But things are turned upside down when she gets a call from a strange man who asks her if she knows where Peter is.

Rose, worried for Peter’s welfare, contacts the CIA and meets up with Catherine, who encourages her to tell them if she hears from Peter at all.

It’s later revealed Peter has been hiding out in New York, working outside of Night Action and trying to track down the man he followed in Bangkok, Warren Stoker. In order to do this, Peter goes undercover as a basketball teacher for Warren’s estranged son. After stealing the boy’s phone, Peter sets up a meeting with Warren, pretending to be him.

Meanwhile, Rose takes time off work and heads to New York. Using her tracking skills (and reconfiguring the AdVerse code), she finds Peter’s trail. One night, Peter gets on a bus and heads to a location Warren shares with his “son”, but when he arrives, Warren quickly works out something is wrong and runs away.

Things come to a head when Peter chases down Warren into an abandoned amphitheater and the two get into a fight. Warren’s backup (the same team from Bangkok) arrive and chase Peter away. As he runs around the corner, he bumps into Rose.

Episode 2: Peter and Rose catch Warren

The Night Agent Season 2 recap and ending explained: Peter punches a man on the ground

Despite Peter and Rose’s best efforts, Warren gets away. The two then set up base in Peter’s New York apartment, where he tells her that he can’t trust anyone in the CIA right now, not even Catherine. Rose then shows him AdVerse, and they use it to try to track down Warren’s last known location. They work out that Warren will be attempting to meet up with his son at his basketball game.

At the Iranian embassy, a young woman named Noor is selling intel to an American CIA agent. The CIA have promised to grant her and her family asylum in the US if she gives them valuable information, which she has yet to do. She promises to do more digging.

Meanwhile, Peter and Rose head to Warren’s son’s basketball game. Warren sneaks into the changing room and convinces his son to run away with him there and then. When his stepfather comes in, Warren beats him and steals his son away. Peter and Rose take off on a chase and track down the two at an airfield, and Peter fights Warren.

Rose returns Warren’s son to his mother, and Peter takes Warren to a secure warehouse location, where he has set up a place to keep him imprisoned and interrogate him about what happened in Bangkok. Meanwhile, Noor gets friendly with the Iranian ambassador’s new security guard, Javad.

At his interrogation, Warren tells Peter that he’s been selling intel to a powerful man with international connections (we later find out his name is Jacob Monroe). Specifically, he’s been trying to get information about a scrapped military program named Foxglove.

As he explains it, Foxglove involved the use of experimental chemical weapons. But as he’s talking, he’s suddenly shot through the head from a sniper outside of the window. Peter ducks for cover, answering Warren’s phone when it rings. Elsewhere, Rose is unaware she’s being followed on her way to the bus station to return home.

Episode 3: A spy in the Iranian embassy

The Night Agent Season 2 recap and ending explained: Catherine and Peter meet on the bridge

Over the phone, Jacob tells Peter to come outside and tell his men everything Warren said, otherwise Rose will be in danger. But Peter makes a run for it, managing to call Rose and warn her about what’s happening. She takes off running, Jacob’s men following after her. Thankfully, both of them manage to escape (with a little help from Catherine).

When they meet, Catherine forces Peter to tell her everything that’s been going on, insisting she wants to help. When they get back home, Rose helps Peter track down the identity of one of Jacob’s men, Solomon Vega (who’s been classified as a deceased marine).

Meanwhile, back at the Iranian embassy, Noor tracks the ambassador’s movements and follows him to a secret meeting. Solomon also goes into the meeting, carrying a briefcase. When he leaves, Noor sneakily manages to take his picture, which she later shows her CIA connection. But it’s not enough – she needs to get pictures of what’s inside the case. Later, she goes on a lunch date with Javad in an attempt to get close.

In England, we meet Tomas, an uptight Englishman who has a disappointing business meeting. Clearly, he’s someone we need to know.

In an effort to learn more about Solomon, Peter and Rose visit his sister, who is in a wheelchair and lives by herself. She says that Solomon is dead, but Peter steals her mail to investigate further.

As Peter then tells Catherine everything Warren said about Foxglove (which isn’t much), a group of undercover soldiers get shot while transporting a truck with valuable contents. The truck is stolen by Markus, Tomas’ brutish cousin. When he tells Tomas with the news, the latter isn’t happy at all.

By the end of the episode, Rose has convinced Peter to let her stay and help with the case, and the two are told about Noor’s intel, which they believe could lead them to the source of the Foxglove leaks.

Episode 4: Foxglove is unveiled

The Night Agent Season 2 recap and ending explained: Noor in a green scarf

Catherine arranges a meeting between Peter, Noor, and Rose. Although she’s hesitant at first, Noor eventually agrees to work with him. There’s a party coming up at the embassy, so they make a plan for Peter and Rose to sneak in and find the documents Solomon gave to the ambassador.

In a later meeting, Solomon meets up with Tomas and Markus and gives them a memory drive.

Elsewhere, Catherine is struggling with the loss of Alice. It’s made all the harder when she gets Alice’s ashes returned to her, since her remaining family doesn’t know Alice well enough after she disappeared to work for the CIA.

Rose gets into the party by pretending to be the plus one of another guest – a Swedish politician who is working for Catherine. Peter also poses as a waiter, and the two manage to get inside undetected. Rose manages to sneak upstairs to take pictures of the file with Noor’s phone, but gets caught by Noor’s co-worker, who takes it back from her and sends her downstairs. (Unknown to them, a security camera is capturing the whole exchange.)

Javad, meanwhile, gets suspicious of Peter, and locks him downstairs. Peter manages to escape by fighting off his guards, and they manage to escape the party shortly afterwards with their new intel.

Later, Peter meets Catherine by the pier, and together, they pour Alice’s ashes into the water. The next day, they wait at their secret meeting spot in a warehouse for Noor, and Catherine unpacks the details of Foxglove.

Essentially, the program was to conceive of new synthetic weapons so the US could plan ahead and create antidotes ahead of time. The problem was that they would need to create the weapons in order to understand them. All this was done in a mobile lab – which Markus had killed the soldiers for and stolen. It’s a big issue, since there are already nine chemical agents in the lab.

Noor arrives at the meeting spot, but isn’t willing to play ball just yet. She knows the clock is ticking before she’s found out, and wants the CIA to extract her family before she gives them the pictures Rose took of the documents on her phone.

Episode 5: An extraction has a brutal ending

The Night Agent Season 2 recap and ending explained: Noor and Sami shake hands

There’s some debate between Peter, Catherine, and Rose as to whether they should bend to Noor’s request, or whether they should threaten to expose her and get the pictures sooner. But they choose to try and extract her family sooner rather than later, and Catherine enlists the help of Sami, another Night Agent.

Inside the embassy, the ambassador and Javad work out someone on the inside was helping Peter and Rose to sneak inside the party, which kickstarts a full investigation.

Sami arrives and meets Peter and Noor, agreeing to run the extraction from Iran, despite the dangers. Noor trusts him and is happy for him to take the lead, agreeing that they will get the pictures when her family safely arrives in the US.

Meanwhile, Rose gets a call from her new boss. After previously berating her for changing AdVerse’s code, he calls with good news. Investors are clamouring to get in on the product now they can use it for different purposes. He wants to sell it as a system for government agencies and law enforcement to track members of the public.

Rose, immediately suspicious, doesn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands. She only agrees to continue working on the project under the conditions that she becomes Chief Technology Officer and they enlist an ethics board to control the use of the program.

Solomon also meets with his boss, Jacob. After asking for a raise, Jacob brushes him off and tells him they have to focus on finding Peter, who could become a complication for them. Later, Solomon recalls Alice using the phrase “Night Action” on their comms in Bangkok.

As Noor and Sami prepare her family for the extraction, Javad grows increasingly suspicious. While interviewing Noor’s friend, he finds out that it was Noor’s phone that Rose was photographed with, causing him to suspect that something is amiss. He later goes into Noor’s room in the residence building to inspect her belongings.

In Iran, Sami turns up to collect Noor’s mother and brother, Farhad. However, trouble strikes when Farhad (who didn’t know about the plan), kicks up a fuss, not wanting to leave. Neighbours hear the commotion, and Sami has to quickly force the mother and Farhad to leave, escaping in a van. They are pursued by police on the road, who force Sami to get out of the car.

Sami quickly kills the police officers, but Farhad jumps out of the car and grabs one of their guns. When he fires a shot at Sami, the agent shoots Farhad in self-defence, killing him. Noor’s mother screams over his body, and Sami has to forcibly handcuff her back into the car.

Peter, Catherine, Noor, and Rose wait for news. Eventually, Sami calls, and tells Peter what happened. But Peter, wanting to get the pictures from Noor, lies to her and tells her everything went fine with the mission.

Episode 6: Catherine meets Solomon

The Night Agent Season 2: Rose sits at her laptop

Noor gets a phone call from her friend at the embassy, warning her about Javad’s investigation. While she’s gone, Peter tells Catherine and Rose the truth about her brother. Rose, furious, wants them to tell her the full story, but they warn her how important it is for them to get these documents and potentially prevent more intel about Foxglove leaking to scheming hands.

When Noor questions Rose about her strange mood, she lies and says her brother had broken his arm during the journey. Satisfied, Noor gives them the hard drive with the pictures on it and heads back to the embassy.

When Peter and Catherine open the files, they’re surprised to see that the document has nothing to do with Foxglove. Instead, it’s a list of names of Iranian dissidents living in Europe. Together, they theorize that Solomon and Jacob are on the Iranian payroll, and are giving the Iranian government the plans to make chemical weapons, and the list consists of their potential targets. They then work out that the documents have a unique printing code on them, which could help them track down who first created the list.

Meanwhile, Tomas meets up with his father Viktor, who’s been imprisoned at The Hague. His father is a stern, unloving man who seems disappointed in his son, and instructs him to work with his cousin, not against him.

While Noor is carefully trying to convince Javad she has nothing to do with the Americans breaking into the party, Catherine is busy tracking down a French diplomat, Jacqueline Laurent, who she knows printed the papers (she even has the security footage to prove it). Laurent reveals she’s been selling state secrets to Solomon for years, but doesn’t know anything about Foxglove. Catherine then gets Laurent to set up another meeting with Solomon so she can tag along as a fake buyer.

But at the embassy, there’s a problem. Javad calls Noor into a meeting with the ambassador. She’s convinced she’s been caught with the CIA, but both men are calm, and eventually tell her that they’ve received news of her brother’s death. After showing her an image of Farhad’s corpse, Noor is devastated.

With Peter as her backup and Rose acting as comms, Catherine goes into the meeting and comes face-to-face with Solomon. However, Rose soon works out that Solomon’s men are listening to their communications, and things take a turn when Solomon shoots Laurent. Peter quickly makes his way into the building, and as he arrives, Catherine disarms Solomon and knocks him to the ground.

Episode 7: Rose is kidnapped

The Night Agent Season 2: Peter sits opposite Solomon

As Peter and Catherine interview Solomon, they learn he has international intel from all over the place. Meanwhile, Noor meets up with Rose and tells her that she knows about Farhad, and is furious they took advantage of her by not telling her. When Peter arrives, he tells her the full story of what happened. As Noor leaves the meeting, Javad sits outside in his car, taking pictures of her, Peter, and Rose.

Back at the interrogation, Solomon tells Catherine to look into a recent theft at a chemical plant (which Tomas and Markus are currently stealing another vanload of supplies from). Catherine and Peter work out that they are manufacturing chemical weapons from the Foxglove lab, and need to work out where they’re getting supplies from next.

To learn more, Rose heads out to meet a professor at Columbia, Dr. Cole, who worked on Foxglove. He takes her to his house and shows her his notes, which he copied from memory after being removed from the project.

He also explains that Viktor Bala, Tomas’ father, used the weapons against his own people, and later claimed he got them from US sources. The investigation was swept under the rug, but Cole had recognized the symptoms of the attack. He also works out that Tomas and Markus are currently getting supplies to make K.X., a horrific blistering agent.

Back at the embassy, Javad finally confronts Noor with everything he knows. When she tries to deny it, he threatens her and says he will tell the ambassador everything, and she will have nowhere to run now.

Catherine is too late to beat Tomas and Markus to another one of the labs, and trouble strikes when Rose, Cole, and Cole’s wife and daughter are suddenly attacked at the house. Masked men storm in, and although Rose and the family try to hide, they’re all captured and taken away. (All while Peter listens over the phone.)

Peter, who’s been charged with watching Solomon, is convinced to take Solomon to Jacob in exchange for valuable information on Foxglove (and Rose’s whereabouts). Of course, this doesn’t look great when Catherine gets back to find Peter and their prisoner missing.

Episode 8: Chemical weapons manufacturing goes ahead

The Night Agent Season 2: Jacob and Peter walk together

In a flashback to Tomas’ childhood, it’s revealed that he was sent away to boarding school, where he took his mother’s maiden name. After that, his father was devastated and continued to treat Markus better than him.

In present day, Tomas brings Rose, Cole and his family down to a warehouse where they’re storing the mobile lab. Rose is now posing as one of Cole’s grad students, and the two are forced into the lab to develop the K.X. for Tomas and his crew – an extremely dangerous task. However, Tomas, who’s becoming aware of the damage this could inflict, finds out who Rose really is. He then instructs Cole to go as slowly as he can to delay the process.

Meanwhile, Peter takes Solomon to Jacob and releases him. Jacob then presents Peter with an offer: If Peter can get Jacob a case file from the United Nations, he will tell him where Rose is being kept. Despite the risks, Peter agrees. Elsewhere, Catherine and Molsey start to suspect that Peter could be working against them.

Peter then meets up with Noor, who can help him get into the UN. She agrees to help him, but tells him that Javad has laid a trap outside. Together, they go out and pretend to be captured, but they both fight back and run away.

Noor then uses the opportunity to run back to the embassy and make Peter a fake badge so he can get into the UN. While she’s there, she gets caught by the ambassador and discovers that he’d bought the list of dissidents because his own daughter was on it and wanted to protect her. Noor then tells him that if he lets her go, she can make sure the people on the list are warned and stay safe. Because of this, he lets her leave.

Back at the warehouse, Markus suspects Tomas has betrayed them. He then takes Tomas into an empty fridge unit and tells him he never deserved the family name, before throwing a small vile of K.X. into the fridge and locking Tomas in. Behind the glass, Tomas blisters and chokes, dying a painful death.

Episode 9: A heist at the United Nations

Night Agent: Peter sits on a subway

Rose and Cole continue making more batches of K.X. as Markus and his men pack it away, preparing to start an attack. But together, they decide to try to make an inactive batch to throw the men off and potentially prevent more people from getting hurt.

At the embassy, the ambassador makes up a story to Javad as to why Noor was able to get away. Clearly, Javad doesn’t believe him. Overhearing the conversation, Noor’s friend calls and warns her that Javad is heading to the UN to stop her and Peter.

Speaking of which, Peter manages to sneak into the Secretary General’s office by posing as an IT guy. The case file is in the archives below (which he manages to get into by holding a worker hostage), and he eventually gets out with the file Jacob wants. Outside, Noor is caught be Javad amid a crowd during a political rally but is saved when she starts a fight in the crowd and Sami tracks her down.

Nearby, Catherine has been captured by Solomon while pursuing Peter. In the parking lot below, she kills him by kicking him into a broken pipe on the wall. Later, when Javad returns to the embassy, he’s arrested after the ambassador uses the security footage of him talking to Noor as evidence that he was involved (fully knowing he wasn’t).

Peter then finds Jacob and gives him the file. When questioned, Jacob tells him that the file details the crimes of Viktor Bala (Tomas’ father), a war criminal convicted of using chemical weapons on his own people. He claimed he bought the plans from a US leak, but the claim was dismissed. Since Jacob sold him the Foxglove plans initially, he wants the casefile in his own possession. Not to mention, it’s the perfect opportunity to blackmail Peter now. He then finally tells Peter where Rose is.

At the warehouse, Rose and Cole make their escape by poisoning the room while wearing gas masks. They manage to grab Cole’s wife and daughter, too. Peter also shows up, and together they work their way out of the warehouse just in time for authorities to arrive. Unfortunately, Markus and his team have already left with the first batch – enough of the weapon to wipe out Midtown Manhattan.

Episode 10: Peter tries to stop a chemical attack

Night Agent Season 2: Peter crouches with a gun

The clock is ticking for Peter and his team to stop Markus from setting of a chemical weapon in the city. While they head to the UN and prepare to enter the building Markus and his guys are on the roof, changing into police uniforms and civilian clothing. It doesn’t take long for the good guys to work this out though, and soon, the swat team takes out most of the attackers. Markus, however, escapes.

They’ve secured most of the cannisters, but Markus still got away with one.

Peter, Catherine, and Rose work out that Markus is probably heading somewhere he knows – like the home of Tomas’ girlfriend, Sloane. She has a jet, so Markus sneaks into her apartment and takes her hostage. Peter and Rose arrive, and when they receive the Universal Distress Signal from Sloane, Peter breaks in.

Meanwhile, Rose sees a maintenance man heading upstairs to fix the broken AC. Already suspicious, she heads up with him and sees that Markus has hidden a cannister on a timer in the AC, which will spread the poison throughout the building. When she runs downstairs to tell Peter, she distracts Markus with gunfire, allowing Peter to shoot and kill him.

Together, they find things to burn and run back upstairs. Inside one of the vents they start a fire, which gets the fire system going and automatically shuts all the vents just in time. Once again, they’ve saved the day.

Before they head back outside, Peter tells Rose that she has to move on and forget about him, since his job is too dangerous for her to get involved in. Reluctantly, she agrees. They head outside, and immediately, Peter is placed in the custody of Catherine under suspicion for helping Solomon and Jacob.

But this isn’t the end. Some time later, Peter is making a confession tape (similar to that of his father’s) recounting the entire story of what happened. We also get a look at what Jacob’s really up to. He goes to meet Governor Hagen, who’s running in the presidential election, who he gives the hard drive with the UN case file to.

Noor’s asylum has also been granted for her and her mother, and months later, Rose meets her for lunch at the library she works at. However, their lunch is interrupted with news that the presidential candidate running against Hagen, Patrick Knox, has dropped out of the race.

Elsewhere, Catherine takes Peter out of his cell and goes for a walk. She explains that Knox was the one who spearheaded the Foxglove program when he was head of the CIA, and authorized the sale of the weapons to Viktor Bala. Hagen, who had the case file, clearly leaked this information to the press to get Knox to drop out of the race.

This means that Hagen is guaranteed to win and become the next president. As Peter laments potentially swinging a presidential election, Catherine tells him that she investigated Peter’s father while he was selling government intel. She does, however, tell Peter that his father only wanted to do what was right for him. Now, it’s his turn, and she tells Peter that Jacob will call on him for a favour, and when he does, Peter has to do exactly what he says.

He’s the broker, and only Peter has an in with him now. He’s the key to finding out what Jacob does next, and as Catherine explains it, his job is to “expose, destroy.” In exchange, they’ll wipe his slate clean. She then gives him his phone back and leaves him to contemplate his next mission while standing outside the White House.

All episodes of The Night Agent Season 2 are available to stream on Netflix now. For more, check out our cast guide and remind yourself of everything that happened in Season 1. For more, find out what other new TV shows are out this month.

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