Smartschoolboy9 voicemail leaks online and it’s “creepy”

A recording of smartschoolboy9’s voicemail has been leaked online, with users “creeped out” by his high-pitched voice.
Three weeks ago, barely anyone knew anything about smartschoolboy9 or his network of Instagram accounts. Now, Nick Crowley’s YouTube documentary is on its way to 10 million views, and people are still hellbent on finding out more.
While the case’s subreddit is incredibly active, little has been confirmed about the man behind the account. We know he’s an adult from the UK; specifically, it’s believed he lived in Doncaster before he was “driven out.”
That’s about it, though the smartschoolboy9 account has been linked to another Facebook profile via its email: David London, who had to confirm he’s not spoken to any journalist or YouTuber after fake interviews emerged online.

Now, one user – Professional-Job-510 – claims to have found his voicemail. There’s no way to confirm if it’s actually his, nor is it clear how it’s leaked, but it’s convinced the subreddit’s members.
“Hi, how are you? If you need to, leave a nice message, but if it’s a nasty message, you’ll be reported… bye,” the person says in the recording, adding a giggle at the end.
“Makes you feel uneasy,” one user commented, while another wrote: “I might just be a p*ssy but that’s creepy asf.”
“Could be fake no proof it’s exactly his, could just be someone pretending,” another pointed out, but as others have said, “It’s a very good impression if so.”
New clues regarding smartschoolboy9’s location and identity seemingly emerge every day, with some people worried that the relentless speculation could harm the investigation. Others have been harassing people with no connection to the case, like David Firth, the creator of Salad Fingers.
In a statement to Dexerto, a spokesperson for South Yorkshire Police said: “We can neither confirm nor deny the name of a person who may or may not be or have been the subject of a South Yorkshire Police investigation.”
Nexpo, a YouTuber who worked with Nick Crowley on the smartschoolboy9 video, just released a new documentary on an infamous unsolved mystery. You can also check out our list of the creepiest YouTube documentaries and new true crime documentaries streaming this month.