Rings of Power’s biggest recast in Season 2 leaves fans divided

Cameron Frew
Adar in Rings of Power, played by Sam Hazeldine and Joseph Mawle

Rings of Power recast one of its main characters in Season 2: Adar, the “father” of the Orcs who somehow defeated Sauron at the dawn of the Second Age.

When Adar was first introduced, many viewers suspected he may have been Sauron in disguise – despite his repeated assurances that he wasn’t the Dark Lord.

In the opening scene of Rings of Power Season 2, we’re introduced to the recast Adar, with Sam Hazeldine replacing Joseph Mawle after he exited the series.

There’s no bad blood with the previous actor. He clarified in a statement that he “loved [his] time exploring Middle-earth and diving into Tolkien’s mythology.”

“I’m so honored that the character was liked. He cared deeply about telling you his story. Though as an actor it remains my wish, my job description to explore new characters and worlds. Wishing all the best to cast and crew for S2, I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines,” he added.

Hazeldine’s portrayal is slightly different; more confident, less melancholic. Most fans have welcomed him with open arms, but they’ve still debated whose performance they prefer.

Adar in Rings of Power

“I’m totally sold on Hazeldine. His Adar is strong, victorious and confident. He feels more ‘sober’ than Mawle’s Adar, which makes him an excellent leader figure,” one user argued on Reddit, with another agreeing: “Sam seems to be more ‘fatherly’ and has great chemistry with Charlie [Vickers, who plays Sauron] that is why their scenes work well.”

“I kinda prefer Hazeldine to be honest… I didn’t hate Mawle’s Adar, but his melancholy made him feel too unstable to me… he reminded me of someone like Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now,” a third commented, while a fourth pointed out: “Hazeldine’s Adar gets this deep look in his eyes at specific times that really elevates the character.”

However, some miss Mawle’s more somber take on Adar. “Mawle brought this unmatchable tragic, fallen angel air to his performance. His mannerisms and scenes often had either a tinge of or fully realized mournfulness,” one user wrote, praising the star.

“Mawle’s Adar was my favorite character in the show. There was a depth in his acting that made him almost relatable. He was the only character I cared about tbh,” another commented.

“I think Sam Hazeldine is doing a fantastic job, and he’s very nearly on par with Joseph Mawle in terms of her performance. But I think Mawle had a better look for the part,” a third added.

If you’ve watched the first three episodes, check out our recaps of Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1Episode 2, and Episode 3. You can also read our guides on Morgoth’s origin, Forodwaith, and Círdan the Shipwright.