Landman fans think something terrible will happen to Ainsley after Episode 7

Landman Episode 7 hinted towards trouble on the horizon for Tommy and his family, and fans of the Taylor Sheridan oil drama are fearing for Ainsley.
Ainsley isn’t the fan-favorite in Landman. In fact, most of the show’s criticisms are aimed at her one-dimensional character, who is often used as the subject of sexual jokes and innuendos.
In Episode 7 alone, we witnessed Ainsley and her mother Angela go for a gym session, hang out with old people at a retirement home, and an awkward build-up to Ainsley getting friendly with a quarterback in the back of his truck. (A fling quickly cut short by an angry Tommy.)
But that doesn’t mean fans want anything bad to happen to Tommy’s teenage daughter. However, after the brief tease of what could be coming in the new episodes, that may just be the case. (Warning: spoilers ahead!)
Ainsley Norris might get kidnapped in Landman
In Episode 7, ‘All Roads Lead To A Hole,’ Tommy intercepts Ainsley and her new beau Ryder from getting too comfortable in the back of his truck. After Ryder gets a beating and Ainsley gets an earful, the father and daughter leave the patch party.
However, what they don’t know is that they’re being watched. Tommy is being stalked by a member of the cartel, who are after him following the big plane crash in Episode 1. (The cartel leader, Jimmy, thinks Tommy should pay them back for the drugs lost in the explosion.)

All this points to one outcome: the cartel will target Tommy’s family as revenge, perhaps starting with Ainsley. We don’t see them watching any other member of his family, and now they know he has a daughter, they’ll likely use it against him.
The moment hasn’t gone unnoticed by viewers, with many suggesting this is the only way forward.
As one Redditor wrote, “Clearly Ainsley is going to be kidnapped.” Another agreed, “The cartel knows who Tommy’s daughter is now and how protective of her he is. She is a liability for him now.”
“100% that’s going to happen but I want it to be the wife as well when they kidnap her,” said another.
For more, find out which platform to watch Landman on. You can also keep up with other Taylor Sheridan shows, like 6666 and The Madison.