Lance Barber reveals what George would tell Georgie after his death in Young Sheldon

Jasmine Valentine
George and Georgie driving in Young Sheldon

It’s finally been revealed that George will return from beyond the grave in Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage – but we already know what the Young Sheldon favorite wants to tell his eldest.

The miracle we never thought would come is finally happening: George Cooper is returning after his death in Young Sheldon Season 7. It’s painful to remember, but the Cooper patriarch died off-screen of a heart attack in Episode 12, right before Sheldon left Medford for Caltech.

Ever since, there’s been speculation over whether George would be brought back for the spinoff in a cameo role. Actor Lance Barber told us himself that he’d be “open” to the idea, as long as it was done in a way that didn’t diminish the ending of Season 7.

Between Barber and the creators, they seem to have found a happy medium. We don’t yet know when George’s dream sequence will air, but we do already know what he has to say.

George “proud” of Georgie after Young Sheldon death

Speaking to Dexerto, Barber explained George would have wanted Georgie to know he was “proud” of him after Georgie’s speech at the Young Sheldon funeral.

George and Georgie in Young Sheldon

“I think he would have told Georgie that he was proud of him. He knew that he was leaving him with a heavy burden, and he knew that he was the kind of man who could handle that kind of burden.

“He would be proud of him for that, after all of the harumphing that he did about his is his dumb teenage son, Georgie. I like to think that would have been his response.”

During the funeral episode, we saw Georgie promise his dad that he’d make him proud and take care of the family. In the spinoff, Georgie regularly visits George’s grave to share his thoughts and seek advice, but we’ve never seen a physical version of his dad. He’s also taken Missy and Mary along to seek some solace of their own.

We currently don’t know if Mary and Missy will be included in this scene, or if they’ll even be aware of Georgie’s dreams at all. Thankfully, Barber told us exactly what he’d tell his other two children.

“I recall Missy telling her dad thank you for what he gave her,” he added. “And I think he would probably say the same thing to her. Thank her because of the relationship that she gave him that he didn’t realize that he could have with a daughter.

“I imagine the same of Sheldon that he was proud of him. Even though he didn’t understand him, George loved him very much.”

Check out our Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage review and our recap of Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, and Episode 7.

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