Why Mark’s blue suit in Invincible Season 3 is so important

Cameron Frew
Mark's blue suit in Invincible Season 3

Mark just got his blue suit in Invincible Season 3. Not only does it look amazing, but there’s a deeper meaning behind his updated costume.

At the start of Invincible, Mark is an innocent teenager… and the son of the world’s strongest (and scariest) hero, Omni-Man. Everything changes when he gets his powers, thrusting him into a life of saving the world from extraordinary threats (Martian monsters, kaiju, and even his own dad).

Through it all, he’s worn the same yellow, black, and blue suit (excluding the bandana and goggles in Episode 1), albeit it’s been torn to shreds and stained with blood multiple times.

By the end of the story, Mark will wear a few other costumes – but the blue suit era is one of Invincible’s best and darkest stretches, and it begins this week.

Why Mark gets a blue suit in Invincible

In the comics, there isn’t much of a reason behind Mark getting the blue suit. Art Rosenbaum makes it for him, he tries it on, and that’s that.

Specifically, Mark takes Oliver to see Art in Issue #51 after he gets his powers (he decides to call himself Kid Omni-Man – yeah, yikes). Mark asks Art for some privacy so he can explain to Oliver why that may not be the wisest superhero moniker.

Art eventually interrupts them. “Okay, I can’t wait any longer and you gave me enough time to put on a couple finishing touches,” he says, before unveiling a blue-and-black suit for Mark to wear.

It fits perfectly, but Mark doesn’t understand why he needs a new costume. “You’ve been in the old suit for a while. I got bored with it. Besides, this one will look better next to your brother. The old one would have clashed – too many colors,” Art explains.

The blue suit has two subtle differences

Mark's yellow and blue suits in Invincible

Beyond the difference in color, Mark’s blue suit in the comics has two other changes: it doesn’t have fingerless gloves, nor does it have kneepads.

I know what you’re thinking: why would a superhero called Invincible need kneepads? Well, that’s exactly why Art takes them away, despite Mark’s objections.

“You’re kidding, right? Those gloves were right out of an ’80s movie and you’re indestructible. Why did I ever give you knee pads in the first place?” he tells Mark.

“Frankly, your old costume annoyed me. This is much better. You’ll learn to love it. Trust me.”

Interestingly, the show’s blue suit only features one of these changes: the lack of kneecaps. At least right now, it still has fingerless gloves.

What does Mark’s blue suit mean?

Mark in his blue suit in Invincible Season 3

Mark’s blue suit signals a major shift for both his character and the story of Invincible: he’ll discover his capacity for violence and rage, and he’s on a collision course with some big, traumatic events.

I won’t go into too many details, but Season 3 is expected to include two plot points: the Invincible War and the arrival of Conquest, as warned by Anissa in Season 2.

Speaking to Variety, Kirkman explained: “Going into the third season, it seemed like a good time to bring a new Mark to the forefront after everything he’s been through in Season 2. He’s in a different headspace and that gets reflected in his costume.

“Anyone who has read the comic book series knows the blue suit era of Invincible is the darkest and the most intense, and there’s a lot of really big things that are around the blue suit.”

If you want a taste of what to expect, you can read our predictions for what will happen in Invincible Season 3.

Will Mark wear the yellow suit again?

Mark Grayson in Invincible Season 3

Yes! Mark wears a slightly different version of his yellow suit later in Invincible’s story.

A lot happens before then that I don’t want to spoil for you – but you can read the Invincible comics for free and peek ahead (specifically, you should check out Issue #70.5).

Make sure you know exactly when new episodes drop with our Invincible Season 3 release time & schedule guide. Until then, check out our review of Invincible Season 3, our ranking of Invincible’s strongest characters, and our breakdown of the Invincible cast so far.

You can also keep up with Season 3 with our recaps of Episode 1, Episode 2, and Episode 3.

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