18 amazing Agatha All Along Easter eggs you might have missed

As Agatha All Along continues its journey down the witches’ road, more and more Easter eggs are revealed for Marvel fans to spot.
Things have certainly gotten more real for the titular witch and her coven as the new MCU show has raised the stakes when it comes to the group’s quest to ultimate power.
While Episode 1 and Episode 2 acted as detailed build up for the witches’ road, Episode 3 doesn’t hold back from showing both Agatha and the audience just how dangerous this mission will be from here on out.
Because so much stuff went down, we’ve complied a list of the the top 18 details you may have missed from the first three episodes of Agatha All Along.
Episode 3: ‘Through Many Miles of Tricks and Trials’
A witch’s amulet

When the coven walks off the road and into the beach house where the first trial is being held, their entire wardrobe is changed to fit the new aesthetic.
As they realize that the road warped their appearance, Alice immediately asks, “Where’s my amulet?” This then prompts the rest of the women to make sure they still have their own pieces.
Although we were shown Agatha’s amulet in the form of her locket necklace in Episode 1, Alice’s comment confirms that each witch needs their own personal amulet to practice their magic, although we’re not sure in what capacity just yet.
“Huge Tiny Lies”

Sharon makes the comment that the beach house they encounter feels like something out of “Huge Little Lies,” which is a nod to the HBO series Big Little Lies.
Agatha All Along has no problem referencing other popular TV shows as it parodied The Mare of Easttown in Episode 1.
Teen’s ‘vow of silence’

Alice, Jennifer, and Lilia finally question Teen as to his identity and purpose for being with them on the road, only to be blocked by the mysterious symbol covering his mouth.
Lilia then reveals that Teen is the victim of a sigil, which a spell a witch casts on someone to protect them from other witchfolk.
Although the group believes Agatha put the sigil on him, the Purple Witch denies it. If it turns out that Agatha is telling the truth, this spell could tie into the theory that Teen is actually Wanda Maximoff‘s son, especially when he brings up another piece of evidence later in the episode.
“A lot happened to me at 13”

Alice opens up to Teen and reveals her mother, August, made her get a tattoo to ward of curses when she was 13-years-old. The boy then responds that “a lot happened to me at 13 too.”
As Teen is currently 16-years-old, this would fit into the “him being Wanda’s son” theory as we learn that’s been three years since the events of WandaVision occurred, so he could be referring to his time living in Westview with his family before Agatha attacked them.
Mrs. Hart’s choking hallucination

After drinking poisoned wine as part of the first trial, each memeber of the coven begins to experience extremely vivid hallucinations.
Since Sharon was the one to drink first, she suffers the first of many nightmare sequences. While in a trance-like state, she repeats the phrase, “Wanada, please let him breathe.”
This is a callback to the first episode of WandaVision where she and her husband, Todd, attended a dinner party during one of Wanda’s sitcom episodes and, while they were eating, Todd began choking on a piece of meat.
As Wanda was unaware that she had control over Westview and its citizens at this point, she, Vision, and Sharon watched helplessly as Todd almost died. Thankfully, Wanda eventually commanded Vision to save him, but it’s obvious that event caused life-long psychological damage on Sharon.
A crib for the Damned

Sharon wasn’t the only person who had to relive her own trauma while under the effects of the wine as Agatha’s hallucination came in the form of a baby crib in the middle of the beach house’s kitchen.
Although she was probably expecting to be reunited with her lost son, Nicholas Scratch, she was instead greeted with the cover of the Darkhold aka the Book of the Damned.
In Episode 1 and earlier in Episode 3, Jennifer retold the legend that Agatha traded her son to obtain the secrets found in the Darkhold.
While it’s unclear if she actually did this or the road was just messing with her mind, this is probably not the last time we will hear about Agatha sacrificing Nicholas for power.
Mephisto’s grand MCU entrance

When Jennifer is telling Teen about Agatha and Nicholas, she mentions that no one knows what happened to the young boy and that he could either “be dead, or a demon, or an agent of Mephisto.”
Mephisto is Marvel’s take on the devil and one of the most powerful demons in their world. In the comics, he has close ties to the Scarlet Witch as she unwittingly used a part of his soul to create her twins, Billy and Tommy.
Because of their connection, many WandaVision fans believed he would make some kind of appearance during the mini series’ run, but he never did.
Now that his name has officially be said in the MCU’s canon, there’s a high probability that Mephisto will be making some sort of entrance during the events of Agatha All Along.
Episode 2: ‘Circle Sewn with Fate Unlock Thy Hidden Gate’
Wanda’s “forever” home

As Agatha and Teen are heading out of town, the Purple Witch walks by the lot where Wanda and Vision’s house once stood.
The ruins are covered in graffiti with phrases like “evil witch” and Wanda’s Scarlet Witch symbol crossed out.
It’s clear the residents of Westview still harbor a lot of resentment towards Wanda for enslaving them during the events of WandaVision.
Witchy Jade eggs from Goop

When Agatha and Teen go to recruit potions master Jennifer Kale, they visit her at her holistic storefront where she sells a variety of self-care products like lotion and candles.
Agatha pokes fun at her rival’s path in life by asking her for Jade eggs to help strengthen her pelvic floor, which is a nod to Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand, Goop.
The brand is currently selling an egg that can be used in a similar capacity on its website for a cool $66.
Episode 1: ‘Seekest Thou the Road’
“Don’t call me nosy”

After she’s released from Wanda Maximoff’s spell, Agatha confronts Herb, a Westview resident, who tells her that she’s been his neighbor with “loose boundaries” for the past three years.
The witch then snaps and tells him not to call her “nosy” or she will cut his tongue out. This is a callback to the role of “nosy neighbor” Wanda placed onto Agatha when she put her under the brainwash spell.
‘The Ballad of the Witches’

When we’re first reunited with Agatha during her true crime episode hallucination, she is humming ‘The Ballad of the Witches’, a tune that becomes familiar as the episodes progress.
As Episode 2 explains, the song can be used by a coven to open the portal to the Witches’ Road, a journey that ends with those who survive getting the thing they desire most.
A lost son

Another piece of Agatha lore that’s uncovered while we’re in her fractured mind is the fact that the Purple Witch once had a son named Nicholas Scratch.
It’s unclear at this point what happened to the child, but we can only assume something terrible occurred as Jennifer calls Agatha a “child killer” when they reunite.
A necklace recovered

While acting as a cop, Agatha comes across a necklace while examining a dead body in the woods. She then takes it to a local jeweler who reveals the three statues on its face are known as the Triple Goddesses: the Mother, the Maiden, and the Crone.
We’ve seen this pendant before during Agatha’s backstory shown in WandaVision – the necklace once belonged to her mother, Evanora, before the Purple Witch killed her.
It’s also revealed that the necklace is actually a locket that holds a mysterious piece of hair, which could belong to Nicholas.
Dialogue And Rhetoric: Know History Of Learning & Debate

During her fake investigation, Agatha learns her Jane Doe in the woods recently took out a book at the library titled Dialogue And Rhetoric: Know History Of Learning & Debate.
When she underlines the beginning of each word, it spells “Darkhold,” which is the Book of the Damned Agatha got her powers from and Wanda stole from her in the WandaVision finale.
Book burning

While at the library, the Purple Witch comes across a lone bookcase towards the back of the building that’s been burned to ash.
A random Westview citizen then tells her that “every last copy” on the shelf was lost in the fire, which is a nod to the end of Doctor Strange 2 when Wanda sacrificed herself to get rid of every copy of the Darkhold in the multiverse so that no one would be corrupted by its dark magic.
Agatha’s costume changes

As Agatha is being freed from Wanda’s spell, she goes through several costume changes that include an ’80s workout fit and a ’50s-style black and white character.
Her revolving wardrobe is a reference to all of the characters she played throughout WandVision as Wanda continuously had everyone changing to fit the aesthetic of whatever sitcom they were in.
A date filled morgue tag

The identification marker on Jane Doe is filled with a ton of dates that highlight different people connected to the character of Wanda.
February 16 is actress Elizabeth Olsen’s birthday, August 28 is Wanda character creator Jack Kirby’s birthday, June 2 is Marvel Studio president Kevin Feige’s birthday, December 28 is Marvel writer Stan Lee’s birthday, and October 13 is Wanda’s in-universe death date.
The body in the woods

The Jane Doe Agatha finds in the woods may seem like a mysterious murder victim, but it’s heavily implied that it’s actually Wanda Maximoff.
First of all, the woman is wearing a dark hoodie, which is the last thing Wanda is seen wearing in the WandaVision finale.
Secondly, the woman’s fingers are charred to a black color, a nod to the Wanda we see in Doctor Strange 2 where the Darkhold’s corruption started to have an effect on her appearance.
And lastly, Agatha sees a shock of red hair when she visits the body in the morgue – Wanda’s signature scarlet locks is one of her most defining features.
Agatha All Along Episodes 1-3 are streaming on Disney Plus now. As you wait for Episode 4, make sure to check out our guides to the theories around Aubrey Plaza’s character and why Jonathan Majors won’t be in Agatha All Along.