What does December 1st mean on TikTok?

If you’ve been scrolling through TikTok, you might have noticed viral videos referencing December 1st. Here’s what the date means.
Over time, various dates have unexpectedly trended on TikTok. For instance, October 1 became a hot topic earlier this year, largely due to the popular WLW anthem ‘Girl in Red.’ Similarly, August 1 went viral in 2023 as women posted videos celebrating National Girlfriend Day.
Now, a new date is gaining traction – December 1. Many users are confused by the sudden flood of viral videos referencing the day, but the meaning behind it can vary, depending on the context of the video.
December 1st meaning on TikTok
One of the reasons December 1st is trending on the app is its proximity to Christmas. As the first day of the holiday month, many TikTokers are excited for the festive season, posting videos of their decorations, gift ideas, and holiday traditions.
Another explanation is tied to a lighthearted observance called “National Give Your Girlfriend a Hug Day,” which some users have referenced to remind their followers to show affection to their partners.
However, the most prominent reason why December 1st is going viral on TikTok revolves around a trend featuring loved ones and a specific sound that’s been used in over 477,000 posts.
The popular audio, ‘Sparks’ by Coldplay, includes lyrics like “my heart is yours, it’s you that I hold on to,” making it perfect for emotional, sentimental videos.
TikTokers are using this sound to post clips of their best friends, significant others, or family members, often with captions like “My best friend posted me on December 1st,” or “Imagine being posted to this song on December 1st.”
While the origins of the trend is unclear, it has resonated widely with TikTok users. Videos participating in the trend have garnered significant attention, with many racking up thousands or even millions of views.