Grandma shocked after learning how much money her viral TikTok made

A woman’s prank on her grandma went so viral that she received a worthy payout from the platform. When she decided what to do with the money, her grandma was in complete disbelief.
TikTok user Kaylee Marina went viral this Christmas for pulling a prank on her grandma. As their family gathered to exchange white elephant gifts, they planned to wrap items from their grandma’s house and gift them to each other.
For most of the exchange, Marina’s grandma didn’t notice that it was her belongings being given to her loved ones.
“How did that happen?” she asked when she finally caught on. The video garnered over 24M views, with viewers entertained by Marina’s grandma’s reaction.
With so many views, Marina’s viral TikTok was worth $1K in just a few days. After she received the first thousand from the platform, Marina decided to give her grandma all of the money.
TikToker gifts grandma the money she made from viral video
As she handed her grandma the hundred-dollar bills one by one, she was shocked by her granddaughter’s gesture.
“I didn’t make any money,” her grandma said after Marina told her what it was for. “That isn’t real, I just don’t feel like I earned or did anything for that,” she added with tears in her eyes.
Though her grandma was hesitant to take the money, they agreed that she deserved it, especially since she was the only one to bring real gifts to the white elephant gift exchange.
Marina’s video of her gifting the money to her grandma went even more viral than their first, with over 39M views.
Viewers of the story made sure to comment on the two videos as much as possible so that Marina’s grandma could “get that bag.”
While the wholesome clip of Marina giving her grandma $1K was her most-viral TikTok yet, she’s already gained over 135K followers, making the potential for more revenue even greater.
In another holiday prank that went viral, a teenager’s family decided to sing Christmas carols at his girlfriend’s house after finding out he was in a relationship. Though he played along, the teen was visibly nervous before the group began to sing ‘Jingle Bells’ to his girlfriend and her family.