Weird Starfield bug turns asteroids into the player’s own pet

Starfield players claim a weird bug is turning asteroids into companions that follow their ships around, even through loading screens.
Like several other RPGs from Bethesda Game Studios, Starfield allows players to recruit companions who can accompany them on adventures.
While many users have already taken a liking to a wide variety of potential allies, others say these secondary characters pale in comparison to those from Skyrim and Fallout 4.
But there’s one sidekick that most players may never meet, a pet of sorts, one capable of trailing behind even the fastest spaceships. Strangely, the pet in question is a glitched asteroid – or two.
Bizarre Starfield bug treats players to “pet asteroid”
Reddit user ReverendRoo claims that thanks to a weird glitch, “I’ve got a tiny asteroid that’s been following me for the past 30 hours.” The Starfield player shared nearly a dozen screenshots to prove it, each one showing a small asteroid trailing their ship at various points in the game.
ReverendRoo added, “Even through loading screens as you can see, genuinely feels like one of my companions now.”
Apparently, this Redditor isn’t alone in making an asteroid friend. Several other users say they’ve stumbled across a similar issue. “I have this too,” one person replied in the thread. Someone else said, “I have 2 of them haha.”
Another player noted that they’ve tried getting rid of the Starfield asteroid bug multiple times to no avail, writing: “Same, I have 3, so annoying. Nothing works, changing ships, restarting game, etc.”
Of course, some are having fun with the discovery. One fan joked, “BG3 got Asterion, Starfield got Asteroid.”
It seems there’s no surefire way to get rid of the problem. According to some, though, it’s just a matter of the asteroid eventually disappearing on its own. Until then, players should feel good knowing a piece of floating rock has their backs should things get dicey in the cold vacuum of space.